Scientific activity

The department’s research plan for 2009-2013: “Tuberculosis in labor migrants: clinical features, treatment effectiveness, ways to identify and preventive measures”, because 25-30% of hospitalized patients annually are labor migrants. On the topic of the cathedral, 1 candidate (on the threshold of defense) and 1 doctoral dissertation is being carried out. In 2011, Ph.D. thesis in Moscow was defended by Dustmatova Z.Sh. "Features of the course and treatment of disseminated tuberculosis in children." Currently, the department is engaged in MDR-TB issues; 2 candidate dissertations are planned; 4 candidate and one doctoral dissertations are currently underway. The staff of the department published more than 1000 scientific articles, including 30 monographs, methodological developments, 2 textbooks, and a specialized dictionary.
The department takes part in international, republican congresses, symposia and conferences. In the republic, 7 scientific and practical conferences were held, including international ones on the Global Tuberculosis Control in the Republics of Central Asia in 2006 and in 2010. International conference in the Central Asian Republics “M / XDR-TB-call to action” with the publication of works in 2010 Employees of the department participate in international seminars and successfully cooperate with the TB institutions of the republic in the implementation of the Tuberculosis Control Program for 2003-2010. and 2010-2015. and 2016-2020. 4 employees of the department are trainers at the RCCH for the training of PHC specialists, TB specialists. Employees of the department actively participate in organizing and conducting republican and international conferences, make presentations, and in 2006 an international conference on global tuberculosis control in Central Asia was held. In 2009, the Republican Scientific and Practical Conference "Kamoњangsosii fáoliyati muassisaњoi ziddisili bo moassisaњoi avaliyai tibbiya sanitari".
All employees participate in the development of guidelines, guidelines, and policy documents of the republican and international level (National Program for the Protection of the Population from Tuberculosis of the RT for 2010-2015. Law of the Republic of Tajikistan on Protection of the Population from Tuberculosis of the RT -2006 Farmon “Dar Borai Purzur Namudani Kmaki Tibbiya Ziddisil Ba Akumiya Tumikiston” 48 Saifa-Dushanbe 2009. (f, “Guidelines for the diagnosis and treatment of children with tuberculosis, the Republic of Tajikistan” Dushanbe 2010. 61 pages “Dasturamatidisidi odidi nor Bemori forces gift ҶumҶurii Tрииikiston »Dushanbe 2010. 61 p.).

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