Scientific activity

Since 1998 to 2004 R&D on the subject “Hospital hygiene and epidemiology” was carried out at the department, according to its materials more than 80 works were published both in the republic and abroad, 5 guidelines were approved by the Ministry of Health of the Republic, 4 candidate dissertations were defended.
Since 2005 to 2010 the department developed research on the topic "The influence of the environment in the Republic of Tajikistan on public health." More than 50 publications were published on this topic, 3 guidelines were approved by the Ministry of Health of the Republic, 3 candidate and 2 doctoral dissertations were defended.
Since 2011 to 2017 the department worked on R&D topics “Development of a set of measures for the sanitary protection of water bodies of the Republic of Tajikistan”, and “Improvement of sanitary and hygienic measures to ensure safe water use in the Republic of Tajikistan”, more than 80 publications were published on these topics, 3 Sanitary regulations were prepared, approved by the Ministry of Health of the Republic 2 methodological instructions. Based on the research results, 2 small patents were obtained: small patent No. ТJ 450 dated 02.09.2011 “Individual biogas plant” and small patent No. ТJ 457 dated 09/26/2011 “Method for utilization (treatment) of domestic wastewater in rural areas”. Prepared 1 doctoral and 2 master's theses.
Since 2018 To date, the department is working on the topic of research "Development of a set of measures to improve drinking water supply for the population of GBAO and Khatlon region of the Republic of Tajikistan." More than 10 publications, 2 teaching aids have been published on this topic, 2 PhD doctoral students are preparing to defend.
Much attention is paid to attracting students to conduct research, more than 10 students of 3-6 courses participate in SSS, annually from 6 to 10 students participate in conferences of young scientists and students with speeches. The staff of the department participated in more than 10 international conferences, annually participate in 2-3 republican conferences.

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