Training activity

At the Department of Traumatology orthopedics and VPH, 4-5 year students, bachelors, clinical residents and interns of the medical, pediatric faculties are trained in Tajik, Russian and English. Clinical bases have separate rooms equipped with modern equipment and computer technology. There are 12 classrooms and 1 lecture hall for conducting classes at the department. 4th year students study according to the credit system of education. At the end of the cycle, 5th year students take a test exam in a subject at the university test center. Clinical residents and interns take a state exam at the end of the academic year at three levels (practical skills, definition of clinical thinking and tests).
Educational and methodical activities
The staff of the department has prepared educational and methodological developments and recommendations for all sections of traumatology, orthopedics and military medicine in Russian and Tajik languages ​​for students, bachelors, interns and clinical residents. Textbooks have been published - "Military Field Surgery" (A.A. Razzokov with co-authors), "Arrogyi of the Low-Sage" (A.A. ), “A short course in the basics of neurosurgery” (AA Razzokov), “Diagnostics and treatment of polytrauma in the acute period” (AA Razzokov), “Diagnostics and treatment of gunshot wounds to the skull and brain” (AA Razzokov) , in Tajik and Russian. Educational and methodological developments have been published - "Me'ergoi uњuќї gift of osebshinosi va raddodi" (A.A. functions of the urinary bladder "(A.A. Razzokov with co-authors)," Optimization of the tactics of diagnosis and treatment of concomitant trauma with damage to the urogenital organs "(A.A. Razzokov with co-authors). Over the past 5 years, 33 educational and methodological developments have been prepared in the Tajik and Russian languages.

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