Scientific activity
Over the past 5 years, the staff of the department published 2 monographs, 1 book, 42 scientific articles and abstracts, 1 master's and 1 candidate's dissertation (Moscow, 2015).
2012-2018 The department made a significant contribution to the research of the most important problems of clinical psychiatry and narcology: syndrome formation, schizophrenia, addiction to psychoactive substances and suicides. Their results were reported at international (Germany, Iran, the Netherlands, India, CIS countries), Republican scientific and practical conferences and forums. Of great scientific and practical value are the studies of the department’s employees, devoted to the study of changes in the clinic of alcoholic psychoses due to true pathomorphism; the ethnocultural characteristics of drug addiction were also first identified among people of Muslim and Slavic nationalities, and with this in mind, adequate methods of social adaptation of drug addicts were proposed; the results of a large-scale study among young people of the country on tobacco smoking formed one of the directions of the draft National Strategy of the Republic of Tajikistan on mental health; Based on the results of a study in the field of suicides in Tajikistan in 2017, a monograph was published, 5 articles and 10 abstracts. In 2013-2018 Department staff conducted a study on the use of opioid substitution therapy with methadone drug addicts. Currently, work has begun on the study of medical and social aspects of the mental health of the population of Dushanbe.
The department collaborates with the Russian State Scientific Center for Social and Forensic Psychiatry named after V.P. Serbsky (Moscow) and the Department of Psychiatry and Medical Psychology of the Moscow State Dental Institute No. 3.