Scientific activity

Articles and abstracts from the department were published in the amount of 453.
Of the 131 scientific articles, 16 were published outside the Republic of Tajikistan, 36 articles were sent to the Higher Attestation Commission, and the remaining 41 were written in Tajik languages ​​for educational work.
At the department from 2014 to 2019 studied "Comprehensive rehabilitation of patients with cardiovascular pathology." The results of these problems were the monographs of M.N. Nazhmidinova and Sh.D. Urunova “Ensephalopathy and codacon va canonsolon”; M.N. Nazhmidinova, M.K. Gulzda, Sh.D. Urunova "modern ideas and treatment of vascular dystonia." Monograph: M.N. Nazhmidinova "Epidemiology, Clinic, Pathogenesis of VA Tabobati Syndrome Parkinson".
Textbooks: M.N. Nazhmidinova, F.G. Soliev "Eastern Medetsina"; M.N. Nazhmidinova, N.V. Fattoeva, E.G. Aliyev "General Physiotherapy"; M.N. Nazhmidinova, R.K. Naimov, E.D. Shamsiev "Osteochondrosis of the spine" (etopathogenesis, treatment and rehabilitation).
Since 2018, the department has been conducting the dissertation work of the candidate-doctoral candidate Sh.D. Urunova on the topic “Psycho-vegetative status and neurological disorders in people with the climatic period; Ph.D. Ph.D. Sang Ung Lee on the topic: "The study of regulatory mechanisms using IRT in patients with migraine." Condidat work: Applicant Nadzhbudinov M.D. on the topic: “Physiological approach and vegetative status in case of closed craniocerebral trauma”; Nosirova P.K. on the topic: “Prevention and rehabilitation of patients with neurosis-like and somatoform diseases in students of TSMU.
The main medical work of the department is carried out at four medical facilities for the recovery of the population of the Republic of Tajikistan at the Medical and Diagnostic Center of TSMU named after Abuali ibni Sino, City Treatment Center No. 10, Republican Center for Vertebrology and State Center "Itiklol.
Nazhmidinova MN - head of the department, MD, professor leads patients at the Istiklol Complex and at the Republican Center for Vertebrology of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Tatarstan. He makes a round of the professor in the Vertebrological Center, in the neurological and intensive care units of the Istiklol Medical Center.
Alieva EG- is an assistant professor of the department and leads patients at the Medical and Diagnostic Center of TSMU named after Abouali ibni Sino.
Fattoeva N.V. is a teaching assistant and leads patients at the Medical and Diagnostic Center of TSMU named after Abouali ibni Sino.
Nosirova P.K.- is an assistant in the department that leads patients at the Medical Diagnostic Center of TSMU named after Abouali ibni Sino.
Safarova G.N., Sharipov M., Rakhmatulloev A.R., Alieva Z.Ch. are the assistants of the department at the Istiklol State Center. Assistants always participate in the process of prevention and treatment, medical examinations of the population and schoolchildren, as well as students and preschoolers, participate in conferences and seminars held by the ministry and foreign organizations.
Niyazova Sh.S., is an assistant in the department that leads patients at the Medical Diagnostic Center of TSMU named after Abouali ibni Sino. Naimov R.K., Ismoilov K.- are assistants - part-time workers in the Republican Center for Vertebrology of the Ministry of Health of the RT. They treat patients with physiotherapeutic procedures, physical education and massage.
International Collaboration
The department is actively involved in academic mobility between foreign universities. In 2019, as part of academic mobility, visits were made by the head of the department of physical therapy and Eastern medicine, MD, professor M. Nazhmidinova in Moscow city of Narodoa Friendship University named after P. Lumumba. During the visit, an agreement was reached on inter-department cooperation between the two universities.
Assistants of the department participate in the daily life of the university. Year after year, they are trying to raise the bar, the state of public health and the education of good medical personnel and students of TSMU named after Abouali ibni Sino.
The department holds classes in the course of physiotherapy, physiotherapy and oriental medicine with 4 and 6 year students of the Faculty of Medicine, 3 and 5 courses of the Faculty of Dentistry.
Students are introduced to the basics of physiotherapy, massage, and are also introduced to the physiotherapy service and the basics of oriental medicine.
The department’s employees, in addition to teaching, conduct medical work at the clinic and hospital.
Every year, one of the assistants of the department takes part in the work of the commission for examining first and second year students at the Medical University; provides advisory assistance to the student clinic.
Employees of the department are actively conducting research work on the integrated topics of the departments of the therapeutic profile on the topic: “Actual issues of cardiovascular pathology among residents of the Republic of Tajikistan”.
Employees of the department took an active part in the all-Union congresses in sports medicine, physiotherapy, physiotherapy, oriental medicine, as well as in the Congress of Health Workers of the Republic of Tajikistan (Medicine and Health).
During the existence of the department, 370 works were published, of which 18 were methodological recommendations, 3 rationalization proposals were made.
Teachers of the department take an active part in the public life of the University, improve their professional level, make their contribution to the education and upbringing of students of the Tajik State Medical University named after Abouali ibni Sino.

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