Medical and consulting work
Medical work by the department’s staff is carried out at the main clinical bases - children’s boxed infectious departments of the City Medical Center, Children's Clinical Infectious Diseases Hospital and until 1997 the City Clinical Infectious Diseases Hospital.
Each base is assigned an associate professor or teacher, a candidate of medical sciences with a long history of medical work, who are responsible for the medical activity of the above clinics. All medical work at the bases is carried out in agreement with the chief physicians of hospitals and their deputies for medical work.
The head of the department and associate professors conduct routine rounds of the departments, under their leadership, meetings of the committees on the analysis of fatal cases are held, conferences and seminars for practical doctors of clinical bases are organized. Along with the large volume of medical work carried out by the department staff at clinical facilities, employees also carry out methodological work. So, over the past 5 years, the department’s team has issued more than 10 information letters and 15 guidelines for infectious disease doctors, pediatricians, and family doctors. In 2006 - 2007, 6 employees of the department as part of the working group of the Ministry of Health participated in the development of clinical protocols for the treatment of major childhood diseases, which was approved by WHO experts and recommended for use in practice by pediatricians, infectious disease specialists and family doctors. Until the 90th, the staff of the department was actively involved in providing advisory assistance in the regions, cities and regions of the republic. After 1992, the department’s employees traveled to cities and regions of the republic to provide advisory assistance exclusively on the instructions and orders of the Ministry of Health, and took part in the work of various ministry commissions dealing with problems of pediatric infectology. In 2004 - 2007, many employees of the department conducted, jointly with international organizations (UNICEF, WHO, MK FBG, Zdrav plus, etc.), as well as RC IVBDV seminars on topical issues of childhood infections for pediatricians, infectious disease specialists and family doctors in cities and regions of the republic . Clinical protocols for the treatment of major childhood diseases and guidelines for the clinic, diagnosis, treatment and prevention of typhoid fever are published as an appendix to the relevant orders of the Ministry of Health of the Republic.
In May 1968, by the order of the rector of the TSMI, the head of the department was appointed Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor Abdullohodzhaev Z.Ya. under his leadership, 8 candidate dissertations were defended. Heading the department for 23 years, he managed to organize a close-knit teaching staff, which was always able-bodied, responsible, modest, loving and rooting for their work. Students have always responded positively to all associate professors and assistants of the department. The staff of the department has repeatedly been the winner of socialist competition among many departments of the institute. After the death of Professor Abdullohodzhaev Z.Ya. in February 1991, by order of the rector, associate professor Boboev SB was appointed acting head of the department, and in 1992 was elected by competition for this position. In 1997, after completing a doctoral dissertation and defending a dissertation in a competition, the doctor of medical sciences N.F. Fayzulloev was elected as the head of the department and for 10 years he heads the department. Under his leadership, 4 candidate dissertations were defended, and was a scientific consultant for 3 doctoral students. In September 2007, in connection with the transfer to another job, Professor Fayzulloev N.F. voluntarily resigned from the staff of a medical university. From the same period, by the order of the rector of the university, associate professor N. Rakhmatov. was appointed acting head of the department, and in June 2008, by competition, was elected to the post of head of the department of childhood infectious diseases.
In 2009, in Moscow, a doctoral dissertation was defended by a senior researcher of the department N. Khodzhaeva. In 2011, d.m.s, docent Khodzhaeva N.M was elected to the post of professor of the department . Since 2012, Khodzhaeva N.M. was selected by competition for the position of head of the department.
The head of the department , Professor Abdullohodzhaev Z.Ya. for more than 19 years was the chief non-staff children's infectious disease specialist of the Ministry of Health of the Republic, deputy dean of the Faculty of Medicine, dean of industrial practice and internship, deputy director of TNIIEG, member of the board of the presidium of the society of pediatricians of the republic, member of the UMC of the Ministry of Health, member of the editorial board of the journal “Health of Tajikistan” and so on.
Professor Fayzulloev N.F. worked as dean of the faculty of pediatrics, vice-rector for academic affairs of TSMI, was appointed rector of TSMU, Minister of Health of the Republic of Tajikistan. He was the chairman of the dissertation council of TSMU on therapeutic disciplines, a member of the editorial board of the journals "Health Care in Tajikistan" and "Peyomi Sino".
Docent, Professor Boboev S.B. for over 20 years was the main childhood infectious disease specialist in the Dushanbe Health Department. He was the deputy board of the society "Knowledge" TSMI, a member of the Scientist council of general medical, medical and pediatric faculties of the university.
Senior Researcher - Assistant of the Department Klochko K.N. from 1987 to 1992 was a freelance chief pediatric infectious disease specialist of the Ministry of Health of the Republic, a member of the board of the “Znanie” Institute.
Docent, Professor N. Rakhmatov was President of the Club of International Friendship at TSMI, Secretary of the Komsomol Committee of the Institute, Dean of Foreign Students, Secretary of the Party Committee of TSMI, Deputy Dean and Dean of the Khujand Branch of TSMU, Head of the Ministry of Health Working Group on the Preparation of Clinical Protocols “Treatment of Major Diseases of Children”. He worked as the head of the Department of medical and preventive care for mothers and children, the chief pediatrician of the Ministry of Health of the Republic. Currently, he is the chief non-staffing infectious disease specialist of the Ministry of Health of the Republic, a member of the working groups of the Ministry of Health on the “National Strategy for the Health of Children and Adolescents of the Republic of Tajikistan”, on HIV / AIDS and integrated management of childhood diseases, etc., as well as a member of the Big Academic Council University.
Khodzhaeva N.M. for a long time worked as a deputy, head of the educational department of TSMU, was a member of the Big Academic Council of TSMU, is a member of the working groups of the Ministry of Health on the development of the National Program for the Control of Tropical Diseases (malaria), the preparation of a new "Concept for the Reform of Medical and Pharmaceutical Education in the Republic of Tajikistan" and on HIV / AIDS, as well as a member of the TSMU working group on the reform of higher undergraduate medical education. Currently, he is the head of the research work of the department "HIV - Infection in Children in the Republic of Tajikistan" and two candidates for the department. In addition, he is a member of the working group of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Tatarstan on the development of the “Standard for the provision of palliative care for the population of the Republic of Tatarstan” and the introduction of the basics of palliative care in the educational process of TSMU.
In addition, the entire teaching staff of the department has social burdens inside the department, being responsible for educational, scientific, medical and educational work.
The staff of the department is determined to continue to intensify all their activities, which are aimed at further improving the quality of educational, medical, scientific and educational work as part of the multi-thousand-strong team of our native TSMU.