Academic work
Academic work:
The 4th and 6th year students of medical faculty, 6th year students of public health faculty, 4th year students of pediatrician faculty, clinical residents and interns study at the department.
Education-methodological activities:
• National standards on neonatology: Healthcare for newborns / Sh.R. Rahmatulloev, N.D. Buzurukova, A.V. Vohidov, D.S. Dodkhoev -2019.
• National standards on neonatology: Reanimation of newborns / Sh.R. Rahmatulloev, N.D. Buzurukova, A.V. Vohidov, D.S. Dodkhoev -2019.
• National standards on neonatology: Newborn’s sepsis / Sh.R. Rahmatulloev, N.D. Buzurukova, A.V. Vohidov, D.S. Dodkhoev -2019.
• National standards on neonatology: Diagnosis and treatment of pneumonia in newborns (full-term and preterm newborns) / Sh.R. Rahmatulloev, N.D. Buzurukova, A.V. Vohidov, D.S. Dodkhoev -2019.
• National standards in neonatology: Hemolytic diseases of newborns / Sh.R. Rahmatulloev, N.D. Buzurukova, A.V. Vohidov, D.S. Dodkhoev -2019.
• Course of lectures on pediatrics: Relevant questions in pediatrics. For 4-6th year students, masters, clinical residents of medical faculty / G.S. Mamadjanova, H.Dj. Aminov, M.N. Hotamova, N.Sh. Samieva, M.N. Valiev – 2016.
• The rules of application of the Apgar scale and defects in the implementation of the neonatal resuscitation algorithm in the delivery room. D.S. Dodkhoev, A.A. Yunusov, Sh. R. Rahmatulloev – 2015.
• The integrated management process of childhood age diseases. H.Dj. Aminov, B.U. Yangibaeva, S.F. Norkulova -2016.
• Connected process of childhood diseases. Aminov H.Dj., Mamadjanova G.S., - 2017.
• Educational and methodological development for students of 4-6 courses Urinary tract infections/ Makhmudova M.M. , Kurbanov S.K.; 2019
• Educational and methodological development for students of 4-6 course : Acute rheumatic fever/ Makhmudova M.M., Kurbanov S.K., Rakhimova ; 2019
• Methodological instruction. Rickets in children/ M.M.Mahmudova., G.S.Mamajanova; 2017
• Methodological instruction: Pneumonia in children/ M.M.Makhmudova., G.S. Mamajanova; 2017
• Methodological instruction. Diagnostic criteria for childhood diseases / G.S. Mamajanova, F.S.Bakoev; 2019