History of the department

In higher medical education, medical and biological physics is one of the fundamental disciplines studied by students.
The Department of Physics is one of the oldest departments of the Medical University. It was organized simultaneously with the opening of the institute in 1939. Since the founding of the medical institute to the present, the department heads have worked: Azizov A.A. - candidate of physical and mathematical sciences, a talented scientist, teacher, who previously worked as an assistant professor at Moscow State University. Soon he was drafted into the ranks of the Red Army and during the Second World War he died at the front. He was replaced by Malkov I.A. Malkova I.A. replaced by Govorkov A.M. (until 1961). In the period from 1961 to 1979, the department was headed by Honored Worker of Education of the Republic of Tajikistan, Associate Professor M.M. Tajiks. For some time, they headed the department of U.O. Orifkhodjaev, K.K. Nasyrov. From 1984 to 2000, the department was headed by “Excellent Student in Public Education of the Republic of Tajikistan”, Ph.D., Associate Professor K.N. Sharifov.
>Since September 2000, “Excellence in Public Education of the Republic of Tajikistan”, Doctor of Physics and Mathematics, Professor D.S. has been elected as the head of the department of medical and biological physics. Shermatov. Shermatov D.S. Member of the International Academy of Authors of Inventions, Academy of Social Sciences and Pedagogy, Excellence in Education of the Republic of Tajikistan. Shermatov D.S. He is a member of three dissertation councils for the defense of candidate and doctoral dissertations: two dissertation councils of a national university (D 999.188.02, D 999.117.03) and a dissertation council 6D.COA-035 - Bohtar State University named after Nosiri Khisrav. Under the guidance of Professor Shermatov D.S. 8 dissertations are protected. Shermatov D.S. He is the author of 3 monograph, 3 textbooks, 27 methodological developments, 250 scientific articles. Works of Shermatova D.S. published in the scientific journals "Mechanics of Polymers", "Acta polymerica", "High-Molecular Compounds", "Physicochemical Mechanics of Polymers". Shermatov D.S. He is a member of the board of the journal New Polymers of Russia, which is published in America.
In the period from 1970 to 1990. at different times in the department worked:
Doctors of Sciences: Kh.O. Abdullaev, N. S. Sultanov; Candidates of science, associate professors: A.A. Tilyavov, A.N. Normatov, N.T. Tursunov, S.N. Nizamiddinov, R.A. Khoshmukhamedov, V. B. Babayev, A. I. Islomov, T. F. .Fathullaev, N.R. Turaeva, E.N. Bakhus, B.Kh. Khamzaev, S.N. Sakiev, N.Yu. Yukhanonov, M.M. Izrailova, Sh.N. Nurov, B.G. Gaffarov , H.N.Nasrulloev, N.N. Narzullaev.
Senior lecturers: Z.N. Yarovinskaya, A.M. Pavlenko, Kh.I. Kasimov, A.M. Rubinov, K.Zh. Aubakirova, K.S. Tashpulatova, N.T. Usmanova.
Assistants: E.M.Mukhammedova, L.A. Zholobova, I.I. Sazhenin, Aslonova H.M., Gulov A.F.
Since 1986, in connection with significant changes and additions introduced into the curriculum, the department became known as the Department of Medical and Biological Physics. The new name of the department emphasizes the close connection of physics with medicine, the profile of teaching physics at a medical university. This connection is multifaceted. It is enough to point to the physical explanation of various physiological processes (blood circulation, respiration, the propagation of nerve impulses, etc.) that occur in the human body, the physical basis of diagnosis, (electrocardiography, radiography, etc.) the effect on the human body of physical factors for the purpose of treatment (defibrillators , UHF-therapy, etc.), physical properties of materials used in medicine and the environment, etc. The development of physical methods for diagnosing treatment, the wide equipping of medicine with modern electrical and electronic equipment requires the doctor to have the appropriate knowledge that he should and can get at the department when studying a course in medical and biological physics.
Curricula for these disciplines have been developed for students of all faculties, electronic educational-methodical complexes have been created. Now it’s hard to imagine doing work without a computer. Its penetration into all areas of human activity is becoming more and more intense. Computers are widely deployed in healthcare. This was the reason for the creation of a new department - the Department of Informatics at Tomsk State Medical University named after Abuali Ibni Sino. The head of the department was appointed Aslonova Khosiyat Makhkamovna - candidate of chemical sciences, associate professor of the department. The department was established in September 2007.
In 2014, the Department of Informatics was combined with the Department of Medical and Biological Physics. Currently, the department is called medical and biological physics with the basics of information technology.
There are five computer classes for teaching students, graduate students and applicants at the department. There are necessary equipment for laboratory and practical studies, more than 60 teaching aids have been prepared.
The department holds advanced training and retraining courses for general practitioners in the discipline "Information Technologies in Medicine" and courses for the faculty of the university, graduate students, masters From 2012 to on
The main task of the staff of the department throughout its existence was the improvement of educational, methodological and scientific activities. This was due to the intensive and rapid development of physical science, the importance of physics for medicine increased significantly due to the general scientific and technical progress that covered all aspects of human knowledge, and significant changes took place in medicine. The main thing is to improve its connection with medicine, which contributed to an in-depth study of medical and biological physics.
Teachers of the department spent a lot of time and labor on mastering new programs in connection with “profiling”, creating educational and methodical literature, especially intensively this work was carried out in connection with the introduction of the state language into the learning process.
The end result of teaching a course in medical and biological physics at a medical university is for students to fully understand the basic principles of physics and the fundamental difference between biophysics as a science that studies the elementary processes in living organisms and questions concerning applied physics or the principles of the design of medical devices and apparatuses.
The staff of the department prepared and published a number of methodological developments and manuals to help students, a lot of research work is underway, 70 methodological developments for students have been published and more than 1550 scientific articles have been published in various publications of the country and abroad.
Currently, 1st year students of all faculties and 2 courses of the Faculty of Pharmacy in the subjects of "Medical and Biological Physics" are engaged in the department. Students of the Faculty of Pharmacy, in addition, study higher mathematics. Since 2007, the department has been conducting classes for foreign students in English. Textbooks have been prepared and published in English for international students.

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