Medical work.

Barotova Firuza Dzhamshedovna – starshiy prepodavatel', kuriruyet lechebnuyu rabotu kafedry vnutrennikh bolezney №3. Kafedra raspolagayetsya na baze 6 korpusa GU NMTS RT «Shifobakhsh».
V sootvetstvii s uchebno-tematicheskim planom zanyatiya studentov provodyatsya v gematologicheskom, nefrologicheskom, pul'monologicheskom, revmatologicheskom otdeleniyakh GU NMTS RT «Shifobakhsh», v otdeleniyakh respublikanskogo klinicheskogo tsentra kardiologii i instituta Gastroenterologii.
Lechebnaya rabota kafedry nachinayetsya s utrenney konferentsii, na kotoroy provoditsya razbor tyazholykh bol'nykh, vnov' postupivshikh, nakhodivshikhsya pod nablyudeniyem. Otdel'no vedetsya razbor letal'nykh sluchayev.
Kafedra pod rukovodstvom d.m.n. Mustafakulovoy N.I. i dotsentami provodit obkhody v profil'nykh otdeleniyakh. Vse assistenty kafedry konsul'tiruyut i vedut bol'nykh v gematologicheskom, nefrologicheskom, pul'monologicheskom otdeleniyakh.
Kafedra okazyvayet lechebno-konsul'tativnuyu pomoshch' kak vo vsekh otdeleniyakh GU NMTS RT «Shifobakhsh», tak i po linii sanaviatsii po RT.
Kazhdyy mesyats profil'nyye otdeleniya s uchastiyem assistentov kafedry i bol'nichnykh ordinatorov provodyat nauchno-klinicheskiye konferentsii.
Dzhamolova Rukhshona Dzhalolidinovna, k. m. n., dotsent yavlyayetsya otvetstvennym litsom po provedeniyu klinicheskikh konferentsiy. Klinicheskiye konferentsii provodyatsya dlya povysheniya urovnya znaniy sredi studentov, internov, klinicheskikh ordinatorov, prepodavatel'skogo sostava i vrachey terapevticheskikh otdeleniy. S itogami provedennykh konferentsiy mozhno oznakomit'sya na sayte TGMU im. Abuali ibni Sino i v gazete «Vorisoni Sino».
Развернуть 1795/5000
Barotova Firuza Dzhamshedovna - Senior Lecturer, oversees the medical work of the Department of Internal Medicine No. 3. The department is located on the basis of the 6th building of the State Medical Center of the RT "Shifobakhsh."
In accordance with the curriculum-thematic plan, students are taught in the hematology, nephrology, pulmonology, rheumatology departments of the State Medical Center of the Republic of Tatarstan “Shifobakhsh”, in the departments of the Republican Clinical Center for Cardiology and the Institute of Gastroenterology.
The medical work of the department begins with a morning conference, which analyzes serious patients, newly admitted patients who were under observation. Separate analysis of fatal cases.
Department under the direction of MD Mustafakulova N.I. and associate professors conducts rounds in specialized departments. All assistants of the department advise and lead patients in the hematological, nephrological, pulmonological departments.
The department provides medical and advisory assistance both in all departments of the State Medical Center of the Republic of Tatarstan “Shifobakhsh” and in the area of ​​sanitation in the Republic of Tatarstan.
Every month, specialized departments with the participation of department assistants and hospital residents hold scientific and clinical conferences.
Dzhamolova Rukhshona Dzhalolidinovna, candidate of medical sciences, associate professor is the person in charge of conducting clinical conferences. Clinical conferences are held to increase the level of knowledge among students, interns, clinical residents, teaching staff and doctors of therapeutic departments. The results of the conferences can be found on the website of TSMU. Abouali ibni Sino and in the newspaper Vorissoni Sino.

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