Scientific activity

The approved theme of SRW of the department for the period 2010-2014 was “Scientific study further development of family medicine in the Republic of Tajikistan”. The co-performers of the topic were the department of Public Health of Avicenna TSMU and the Republican Educational and Clinical Center of Family Medicine of the MH RT (RECCFM).

During this period, 1 thesis for the degree of Doctor of Medical Sciences (Miraliev S.R.) and 6 candidate theses (Ryakova E.O., Shekhov A.D., Safarov U.A., Magzumova F.P., Gulomova M.O., Khojaev F.M.) were defended.

There was approved a new multiple-aspect theme of SRW of the department for the period 2016-2020 “Optimization of methods of early diagnosis, treatment, rehabilitation and prevention of childhood diseases in the activity of a family doctor” the number of the state registration 0116TJ00597. During this period, one thesis for the degree of Candidate of Medical Sciences (Rakhimova U.H.) was defended.

Employees of the department actively participate in the Annual Scientific Conferences of SEI “Avicenna TSMU”, conferences of young scientists and students of TSMU. The results of scientific works of the staff of the department are published in the materials of international scientific measures: in the First congress of family doctors of Russia (Belgorod, 2008), in Euro-Asian Medical Congress (Ufa, RF, 2019), in scientific conference of Bukhara State Medical Institute named after Abuali ibn Sina (Bukhara, 2019), in International XI-Congress of Pediatricians and Pediatric Surgeons of Euro-Asian Countries (Dushanbe, 2011), XIX th Russian National Congress “Man and Medicine” (Moscow, 2012), in International correspondence scientific and practical conference "Theoretical and practical aspects of modern medicine" (Novosibirsk, 2012,, in XIII th Congress of Pediatricians of Eurasia (Bishkek, 2013) in the V th Congress of the Federation of Pediatricians of CIS Countries (Kishinev, Moldova, 2013), etc.

There are functions a cell of Students’ Science Society of Avicenna TSMU at the department, which the members are awarded annual diplomas of the Annual Scientific Conferences of Young Scientists and Students of Avicenna TSMU.

During the period of implementation of the approved theme of SR work (2016-2019), the staff of the department published more than 300 publications, including in publications recognized by the HAC of the Republic of Tajikistan and the Russian Federation.

The training of scientific personnel of the department under the direction of MD Bandaev I.S. continues, at present the graduate student Umarov T.A. is finishing work on the candidate thesis, preparing for the approval of the topic of the dissertation of doctoral students PhD - Barotov I.I. and Kabirzoda T.D.

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