Scientific student conference

Scientific student conference

The concept of the development of higher medical education is focused on training specialists who are able to develop and implement a set of treatment, prophylactic and rehabilitation measures within their specialty, assess the characteristics of mental and physical health of a person, analyze and identify the effectiveness of their own professional activities, predict ways and directions of its improvement and improvement. efficiency. In this aspect, great importance is given to educational work with students, in holding intra-department conferences.

Students, future doctors, participate with interest and enthusiasm at student scientific conferences. So this time, on the basis of the Department of Family Medicine No. 2, in the city health center No. 15, with the active participation of 5th year students of the 48th group of the Faculty of Medicine, a student conference was held on the topic "Clinical Pharmacology of Antibacterial Medicines". Under the coordination of the associate professor of the department, Ph.D. Nosirova M.P. participants prepared reports-presentations at a high level using modern literature. The multimedia material, independently prepared by the group, contained videos on various topics, a crossword quiz, as well as funny medical anecdotes. The presenter of the conference, the head of the group Atamov Narimon, explained the relevance of the chosen topic and introduced each next participant with the addition of his future specialty. Their presentations were presented by Makhina Okhmirzoeva, Michgona Dustova, Gulafruz Zaynudinova and Faridun Sharipov. The crossword quiz prepared and voiced by Mirzomatova Mavzuna caused great excitement among the students present. The group-organizer of the conference for each correct answer awarded sweets, favorite students. In total, the conference brought together students of medical (5th year - groups 47, 51, 56) and pediatric (6th year - group 5) faculties.

Fascinating and informative methods of scientific student conferences contribute to improving the quality of medical knowledge, form skills in working with sources of information, and guide the choice of a specialty.

Associate Professor of the Department, Ph.D. Nosirova M.P.

12.10.2020     549

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