History of Department
In 2007 the department of Family Medicine №2 of Avicenna TSMU was established under the supervision of MD, Professor Zaripov Sohib Zaripovich, which educational bases were located in the Republican Educational and Clinical Center of Family Medicine and City Health Center №3. For the students of the 4,5 and 6th courses of the Medical Faculty and the Faculty of Public Health the classes in "Family Medicine" were held by the assistants: MD, Professor Zaripov S.Z., associate Professors of the department, c.m.s. Inomzoda J.I., c.m.s. Khojiev A.A., and by the assistants c.m.s. Mirzokalonova M.J., Tajibaev E.T., Rakhmatova N.A., Khojimatova Z.F., Zaripova Z.S., Abdullaeva D.N.
As a result of the integration of pediatric and medical faculties in Avicenna TSMU, in 2009 the department of Polyclinic Pediatrics, which for more than 20 years was successfully headed by Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor Umarova Zarifa Kasymovna, was eliminated. Professional and teaching staff - Professor, MD Umarova Z.K., associate Professor, c.m.s. Abdullaeva N.Sh., c.m.s. Nosirova M.M., c.m.s. Yodgorova M.J., assistants Haydarova S.F., Rakhmatullaeva Z.R., Shamsutdinova G.A., Mukaramova D.A., senior laboratory assistant Khudoynazarov A.E. of the department, now former "Polyclinic pediatrics" joined the staff of the department of Family Medicine №2.
To the large and friendly collective of the department, having high scientific potential, long experience of pedagogical work, guided by d.m.s., Professor Zaripov S.Z. needed to prepare educational materials in the new discipline – “Clinical pharmacology” as soon as possible. The new discipline was decided to teach first for students of the 6th year, and from 2015 for students of the 5th year of the Medical Faculty and from 2019 also, for students of the Faculty of Pediatrics, in addition to classes in the discipline "Family Medicine" also for the Faculty of Public Health and the Faculty of Pediatrics.
Due to the untimely death of the distinguished professor of the department, Zaripov S.Z. in the spring 2010, the department was headed by Miraliev S.R. A year later from 2012 to 2015, for 4 years the department of Family Medicine № 2 was successfully headed by outstanding man of his time, wise and reliable c.m.s. Inomzoda J.I. In 2015 Bandaev I.S. was elected to the post of head of the department in connection with reaching the retirement age of Jurakhon Inomovich. In March 2017 c.m.s. Yodgorova M.J. heads the department till present due to transfer Bandaev I.S. to another leadership job.