Training activities

Of the Department: four and five year students of the Medical Faculty are trained in fundamentals of family medicine and clinical cases which are the most common in family doctor’s practice and fundamentals of out-patient observation and treatment at primary health care institutions. Moreover, students in the Department are trained as family doctors attending clinical residency programme. Training programmes and curricula for students and family doctors are developed and introduced in the Family Medicine Master’s and clinical residency programmes.
Interactive teaching methods are being extensively used and introduced in the Department. Examinations are conducted by applying the OSCE method (Objective Structured Clinical Examination) that was introduced in the training process in 2003.Students and clinical residents acquire practical skills (examination of patients, diagnosis, administration of treatment and examination) at the clinical bases of the Department (at doctor’s consulting rooms, laboratories, etc.).
Since 2003 over 85 family doctors were trained at the Department. Over 2000 tests, situational tasks/exercises, lectures with presentations, topics for workshops’ exercises, over 150 pictures and banners for students and family doctors’ training have been developed. 23 training manuals and study guides have been developed. In 2011 a textbook “Family Medicine” of D.A. Kadirova was published for the first time in Tajik and it was published in Russian in 2017. The textbook is in a high demand among students, interns and doctors in the Republic of Tajikistan.

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