Educational work of the Department
Educational work of the Department is aimed ateducating young specialists in the spirit of love to their native land, labour, profession. Every day at the classes the Department’s staff holds a discussion with four and five year students of the Medical Faculty according to the educational outreach plan of the Department. Independence Day of the Republic Tajikistan, National Reconciliation Day and also national holidays such as Navruz are celebrated at the Department. Lectures and “educational hour” are conducted with students. The Department’s staff and students take an active part in “subbotniks” and “hashars” (Saturday volunteer clean-up).
The Department’s staff regularly meets with doctors, interns, students at MHCs and TSMU named after Abuali ibn Sino. In the course of these sessions they speak about family, health, family members’ health and hereditary diseases’ prevention and healthy life style awareness-raising among population. Every year for the purpose of encouraging students to choose the profession of family medicine doctor outreach activities are conducted and “Information Day” is organized at the Department.