The threat of terrorism and extremist groups in the modern world is one of the most pressing problems of political science, and its factors, peculiarities and destructions have been and are being studied by various sociological sciences. It should be noted that a comprehensive study of this issue is a matter of time, since these negative processes among various segments of society, especially among young people, are one of the central problems of human life and eventually lead to instability and destruction.

Terrorism is one of the ways of political struggle using the ideas of terror and intimidation through threats and violence to incite fear and panic among the population.

Terrorism is an extreme degree of extremism, when adherence to radical views develops into illegal actions. The term "terrorism" comes from the Latin terror (fear, terror). As a socio-political and socially dangerous phenomenon, terrorism has a centuries-old history.

The aim of this brutal action is to achieve the ultimate goal, destabilizing the political situation, provoking conflicts between segments of society, tarnishing the image of the state, creating chaos and at the same time aggravating diplomatic relations between other countries. Today, people have witnessed how international terrorism carries out its aggressive actions under the cover of political adventure and religious fanaticism.

Tajikistan supports the view that combating terrorism is one of the most important tasks facing humanity today and condemns terrorism in all its forms and manifestations and calls for concerted action by the entire international community to eradicate this oppression at the global and regional levels. Over the past decade, hundreds of thousands of civilians have been victims of terrorist acts and thousands more have been disabled.

Extremism is a call of social masses to violent actions against the existing political, religious or social order. Throughout historical development, the theme of extremism has been expressed in racial, social, national, linguistic affiliation of a person.

Extremism (from Latin extremus - extreme) is a theory and practice of achieving socio-political, religious, national goals through "extreme", prohibited methods. These methods are understood as unauthorized use of force, violence, encroachment on human and civil rights and freedoms.

What is the threat of extremism? Extremism is "an extremely dangerous phenomenon in the life of any society. It threatens the foundations of the constitutional system, leads to the violation of constitutional rights and freedoms of man and citizen, undermines public security and state integrity of the country.

What are the causes of youth extremism? Many scientists point to the following reasons for the emergence of extremism among young people: the aggravation of social tensions among young people, criminalization of a number of spheres of social life, changes in value orientations, the manifestation of the so-called Islamic factor, and the use of the Internet for illegal purposes.

Countering extremist activity is based on the following principles:

- Recognition, observance and protection of human and civil rights and freedoms, as well as the legitimate interests of the organization;

- legality;

- publicity;

- the priority of ensuring the security of the country.

The following types of extremism are distinguished: political, national and religious. Examples of extremism include provocation of riots, civil disobedience, terrorist actions, and methods of guerrilla warfare.

Religious extremism is a religious justification for concealing religious activities aimed at inciting enmity and religious hatred through violent seizure of power, undermining the independence and integrity of the state. In our time there are people, parties, movements and organizations that want the world to be shaped by their will. For this purpose, they take away the will of some young people, give them all kinds of drugs, drive them crazy and use them to implement their plans. Extremist and terrorist groups skillfully use religion to further their own goals. They know that young people are inevitably weak in faith and at the same time do not have a thorough knowledge of their faith or religion. Therefore, the religiously and secularly illiterate, inexperienced and ignorant fall into the trap of such extremist groups. The youth, who are the driving force of society, should not be misled by the false propaganda of terrorist and extremist groups, to pursue their selfish goals, thus depriving themselves of a prosperous life. That our youth participate in wars in foreign countries and accept martyrdom is totally senseless. At what price do they perform "jihad", leaving their children orphaned, their wives widowed, their mothers' hearts bleeding? Although the religion of Islam being the most tolerant of the world religions does not require such sacrifices.

In order to prevent young people and adolescents from joining extremist parties and movements, it is reasonable for law enforcement officials to organize meetings in educational institutions. While law enforcement officials are responsible for preventing these negative actions, every citizen of the country is obliged to take a civic stand and contribute to preventing young people from falling under the influence of such groups.

Therefore, media literacy of citizens can not only solve many problems, but also prevent many disasters that threaten the degradation of society.

Citizens of the country should remain vigilant and fight against unscrupulous individuals who want to destabilize our society. After all, the present and future of the nation should be built by patriotic, educated, conscious citizens. The unique historical miracle of state independence of the Republic of Tajikistan was not easy. Thanks to the constant efforts of the Founder of Peace and National Unity - the Leader of the Nation, the President of the Republic of Tajikistan Mr. Emomali Rahmon, today we Tajikistanis live in peace and tranquility.

In response to these concerns of the leader of the nation, we, the present generation, who have assumed responsibility for the fate of the state and the nation, must always be united, turn to creativity and contribute to the development and prosperity of our country. Every citizen, every member of this society should strive to protect the independence and integrity of the country. Because it is impossible to imagine the future of the Tajik people and nation without the existence of the Tajik nation-state.


Abdurahmonov Z.V.,

Docent of the department of social sciences

Avicenna Tajik State Medical University

Candidate of historical sciences.


Ruzimuhammad Ismoilov

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