World Day Against Psoriasis
Psoriasis is a chronic, recurrent, systemic, hereditary dermatosis. About 3% of the world's population suffer from this disease. Numerous scientific works in this field have not brought mankind closer to solving the etiology and pathogenesis of psoriasis. Nevertheless, it has been revealed that the main morphologic element is a papule covered with silvery-white scales. The elements are located more often on the extensor surfaces of the extremities, scalp. In some cases, there is a lesion of the joints, leading to their contracture and deformation. Manifestation of the disease can occur both in the period of newborns and in old age. Visible mucous membranes are also affected. Itching is not characteristic of patients with psoriasis, but dermatologists often meet with such a complaint.
As with any skin disease, psychological factors play a major role. Cosmetic problems, financial expenses for medications, selection of clothes masking rashes, prejudice of some people around them, etc. contribute to the appearance of depression, isolation. This tendency is more often manifested in adolescence and young adulthood. Patients suffering from psoriasis need the help of a psychotherapist.
At the department of dermatovenerology defended dissertations related to the study of the place of morbidity in the structure of skin pathology, rheological properties of blood, features of clinic and metabolism in patients of high mountains, violation of carbohydrate and lipid metabolism in children, features of the course of severe forms in old age, treatment and prevention in the conditions of resorts of the Republic of Tajikistan.
The disease has three stages of development: progressive, stationary, regressive. Each of the stages is characterized by its clinical manifestations, knowledge of which suggests a certain treatment tactic. For example, irritating local therapy of dermatosis in the stage of exacerbation leads to psoriatic erythroderma (many patients are not aware of this), worsening the general condition of the patient, requiring hospitalization, and therefore financial costs. Every adult patient and parents of children with psoriasis want to recover at any cost. Glucocorticosteroid ointments and creams are often used for long periods of time. These in turn lead to side effects (Icenko-Cushing's, hirsutism, steroid dermatitis, skin atrophy, hormonal failure, amenorrhea, decreased potency).
Considering that one of the leading theories of psoriasis origin is hereditary, and in our region until recently there were many closely related marriages, the frequency of psoriasis is high.
Skin manifestations, psychosomatics, arthritis, internal organs lesions contribute to the growth of disability of patients, which means that this problem is socially significant for the state.
Since 2004, October 29 has been celebrated as World Day Against Psoriasis. Tajik dermatologists, along with other scientists of the world, contribute to improving the quality of life of psoriasis patients. The task of doctors is to prolong the period of remission of the disease, improve the quality of life and reduce the incidence of hereditary psoriasis, and train young specialists in the provision of dermatological services.
Associate professor of the department of dermatovenerology,
c.m.s., Ismatulloeva S.S.
Ruzimuhammad Ismoilov