World Blood Donor Day

World Blood Donor Day

World Blood Donor Day is celebrated annually June 14th . This date was timed to coincide with the birthday of Karl Landsteiner, the Austrian physician and immunologist and Nobel laureate who discovered human blood groups. Since 2005, World Blood Donor Day has been celebrated worldwide on the initiative of the World Health Organization to raise awareness of the world's need for safe blood and to express gratitude to blood donors around the world.

Today, without the effective use of donor blood components it is impossible to imagine the development of modern emergency medicine, major organ and vascular transplants, emergency obstetric care and pediatric practice.

Every year in Tajikistan different events are held dedicated to this day. The Law of the Republic of Tajikistan "On Donation of Blood and its Components" (2009, № 3, Art. 96) regulates relations connected with the development of donation of blood and its components in the Republic of Tajikistan and provides the implementation of social, economic, legal and medical measures for the organization of donor movement and protection of donor rights. Article 1 of the Law "Principles of blood and its components donation" states:

The basic principles of blood and blood components donation are:

- humanity;

- voluntariness;

- gratuitousness;

- harmlessness of the donation function for a human being;

- safety of using donor blood and its components.

The most important program is the organization of mobile blood transfusion points across the country, which is held on this day, and residents of the country come to the collection points and give blood under the slogans "Give blood and save lives," "Your blood saves someone's life. Every year many people take part in such events and donate blood, which, according to experts, helps save hundreds of lives. According to experts, blood donation is beneficial for the human body, it renews blood cells, the hematopoietic system begins to work better, respectively, improving the functioning of all organs. It prevents vascular diseases, coronary heart disease, stroke and strengthens immunity. Most importantly, it saves someone's life.

Being a blood donor or donating blood has become commonplace in many countries. In recent years in Tajikistan the number of people who want to become donors has also increased. According to the Law of the Republic of Tajikistan "On the donation of blood and its components," women donate 15 liters of blood and men 20 liters and become "honorary donors.

The staff of "Avicenna State Medical University", realizing the importance and necessity of blood donation, with a high sense of responsibility donated blood. After all, donating blood and blood components helps to save millions of human lives every year.

Information and public relations department


Ruzimuhammad Ismoilov

15.06.2022 717