We are the against terror!

We are the against terror!

According today’s world political situation, one of the priority policy directions of the heads of states is the fight against extremism and terrorism. In the regular Address of the Founder of peace and national unity - Leader of the nation, the President of the Republic of Tajikistan his excellency Emomali Rahmon in connection with these threats and efforts he said: “Tajikistan as a sovereign, democratic, law based, secular and social state is a member of the world community, and in the course of rapid evolution there is globalization of economic and social relations and development of various spheres of life”. Therefore, in the conditions of the modern world, it is very important that our youth should not be misled by the propaganda of religious extremists and ill-wishers of the Tajik nation, as in the 90s of the last century.

Terrorism is a very complex phenomenon with many aspects. In short, we can say that it is a special tool for governing regions, states, religions and civilizations. In other words, terrorism has been used by the superpowers of the world depending on their geopolitical position or their economic and political interests, and they will use it as a political tool in the future. Especially in the era of globalization, small and weak states become victims of superpowers' political games and lose their political structure. Therefore, it is necessary that the "force or power structure" should always be ready to ensure the security of the state and nation. 20 years ago, on the initiative of the Leader of the nation, President of the Republic of Tajikistan his excellency Emomali Rahmon, the "Quran" - the holy book of Muslims was returned to the Tajik language (Cyrillic superstition) so that the youth could read it and learn about pure Islam. If you look at it properly, no one explains the content of the Qoran to today's youth, and one of the reasons why youth fall into terrorism is their lack of knowledge about true Islam. Young people both in Tajikistan and abroad get spiritual food from the Internet, which is often incompatible with our religion and mentality. In particular, various ideas that are very popular abroad and are not specific to our religion and nation are alarming. Despite the measures taken in recent years in the field of counter-terrorism, the threat of new terrorist acts has not only not disappeared, but also increased. In different parts of the world we can observe the activation of terrorist organizations and the organizations that finance them. Today, a number of countries are experiencing devastating wars, causing an increase in the number of forced refugees, unemployment, hunger and other social problems. Terrorism has become more acute than ever before and with its terrible and brutal consequences has become the most serious problem of mankind in the twentieth century. This undesirable action can occur in all spheres of human activity - religion, politics, ideology, science and even sports. Special foreign organizations in the region are interested in promoting extremist ideas, propagate and spread these ideas among the youth. The main goal of these terrorist groups is to achieve political and economic ambitions.

Especially for obtaining oil and gas processing points and other underground resources with billions behind them. It is worth noting that crimes of terrorist and extremist orientation pose a threat to the international community, and the Republic of Tajikistan, taking into account this factor, has adopted a number of legal acts, according to which it obliged the state and public structures to combat crimes of terrorist and extremist orientation. In this process, it is worth noting articles 6-8 of the Constitution of Tajikistan, which explicitly mention political parties and public organizations and their activities, as well as the prohibition of usurpation of State structures, and these values are high values. and are in line with international standards. Prohibition of armed usurpation means condemnation of criminal acts, including terrorist and extremist crimes. The organization of work to prevent young people from joining extremist groups involves several stages in stages.

According to experts, based on special programs with youth and adolescents in secondary and higher educational institutions, events and meetings, clubs, round tables with the participation of representatives of state executive authorities, law enforcement agencies and public figures are not without benefit. . DDTT named after Abu Ali ibn Sina, as a higher educational institution promoting education and upbringing of the young generation of the country, has developed special programs that awaken a high sense of nationalism, self-awareness and God-knowledge, patriotism and patriotism, and loyalty of our youth to the Motherland, people and water.The soil of the ancestral land, which is the guarantee of security and peace of society, progress of the state and prosperity of today and tomorrow of independent Tajikistan, has a complex impact. In accordance with these programs, activities and meetings, clubs, round tables are held with law enforcement, national security and executive authorities.


Taibov S.A. - head of information and public relations department


Ruzimuhammad Ismoilov

11.07.2023 1331