Water is the source of human health

Water is the source of human health

Water is the source of life and an essential part of our bodies. This simple and accessible liquid plays a key role in maintaining health and ensuring the normal functioning of all organs and systems.

The human body is made up of almost 60-65% water. Water, which in itself has no nutritional properties, is nevertheless the most important "source of health". Water helps to maintain our body's vital processes by delivering nutrients to the cells and removing toxins. It is thanks to water that body temperature is regulated. Drinking regimen of the day determines the amount, nature and order of fluid intake during the day in accordance with the needs of the body, which are determined by internal and external factors. Proper drinking regimen is aimed at maintaining a balance between the amount of water consumed and consumed. In a day a person loses an average of 2-3 liters of water, about 0.5 liters of it leaves the body through breathing, also water loss occurs through the skin, bladder and rectum. Thus, a healthy adult requires an average of 2200 to 3100 milliliters of water per day, some of which is already contained in the food consumed. A decrease of only 1-2% in body water causes a feeling of thirst and dry mouth.

The quality of drinking water has a direct impact on health, and it's no wonder that almost everyone is concerned about how clean the water they drink is. There are many different household home water purification filters on the market today. In order to figure out which filter to buy a consumer, you must first get information about the composition of the water flowing from his tap, because tap water is different everywhere, so installing a filter instead of good can do harm. For example, if your water is soft, and the filter uses a certain ion-exchange material, you can deprive yourself and your family of the elements necessary for the body: calcium, magnesium and fluorine.

Water deficiency in the body causes:

1.violation of water-salt balance (formation of kidney and bladder stones, and also negatively affects the condition of the joints, increasing the risk of arthritis and arthrosis);

2.problems with the skin (quickly loses elasticity, thinning, acquires an unhealthy tired grayish-yellow color and easily folds into wrinkles) and its appendages (weak and brittle hair and nails);

increased viscosity of the main body fluids, primarily blood increases the risk of strokes, heart attacks, thrombosis;

3.violation of digestive processes (slowing down the production of digestive enzymes, peristalsis is impaired, food for a long time lingers in the intestine, which leads to fermentation, inflammatory processes and chronic constipation);

4.disruption of the urinary system and the processes of "self-cleaning" of the body.

Water Sources:

Drinking water that we get through various beverages;

Water contained in food products;

Metabolic water, which comes from the oxidation of carbohydrates, fats, and proteins.

Develop a drinking regimen:

Start the morning with a glass/two, of clean warm water on an empty stomach.

Half an hour before a meal/an hour after a meal, drink a glass of water

If it is difficult to drink just water, you can add some lemon, mint, honey.

Drink small sips at regular intervals, in this case the water is digested slowly, saturating the body.


Madaliev K.A., assistant of the department of dermatovenerology named after professor Zoirov P.T.

translated Ismoilov R.

22.05.2024 1601