The role of the book "Tajiks in the mirror of history" and formation a sense of patriotism in youth

The role of the book "Tajiks in the mirror of history" and  formation a sense of patriotism in youth

April 12, in the lecture hall of the Department of Medical and Biological Sciences on the basis of genetics was held educational and cultural event on the theme "The role of the book "Tajiks in the mirror of history" and the formation of a sense of patriotism in young people" with the help of teachers and curatorial groups. The event was presented by students of group 20 of Medical Faculty and group 3 of Medical and Preventive Faculty. First of all, curator of group 20, Shahsufbekova O.M. with a brief historical overview. Then students Halimzoda Omina, Sharipova Shirinmo and Shukurov Nematullo told about historical meaning of the book "Tajiks". Each student from the above-mentioned groups reported on six chapters of the book "Tajiks". At the end of the event the results were summarized.

The works of the Leader of the Nation remain a precious treasure that can never be damaged by wind or rain or the sunlight of history. Reading the books of our Head of State has opened our youth to the mysterious world of our ancestors and is a guide to life in our thoughts and struggles.

The rich history of the Tajik people calls us to strive for peace, unity and solidarity, to be united in the future course of history and to be vigilant.

I am only proud that history has given us a worthy successor to Ismoili Somoni a thousand years after the collapse of the mighty Tajik state, the Samanids. We are always with you - the great leader of the Tajik people!

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