Knowledge and wisdom are the source of human self-knowledge. Through knowledge and wisdom, humanity has been able to create a decent life for itself over the centuries. That is why in the past, scientists and poets have made efforts to enlighten and awaken people's minds and guided mankind towards knowledge through their unique works.

Turning to the history of the rich literature of the Tajik people, it is impossible to find a poet who did not pay for knowledge. Hakim Firdavsii Tusi is considered one of the brightest scholars of Tajik-Persian science and literature in a thousand years. Abul Qosim Firdavsi emphasizes the acquisition of science and knowledge, and he addresses this theme throughout almost all the stories of the Shohnoma. In the "Introduction" section of his work, among other sections, he places the section "Speech in Praise of Wisdom" and pays attention to illustrating this point. The introduction of this article by the author is not accidental; it highlights the main ideas of the work.

He also believes that ignorance is the cause of the destruction of the state and to reinforce this idea, he mentions the failures of powerful kings like Kovu and Zahhak and believes that the decline of their rule was due to their lack of wisdom. The poet takes special interest in portraying historical kings, above all their wisdom. In Bahram's letter to the Indian king Shangul, he pointed out the high value of knowledge and wisdom in protecting people from all kinds of evils and calamities, emphasizing its necessity for kings and likening it to the crown of royalty.

Thus, the position and place of knowledge can be seen in the entire "Shahnoma" and as an example of the author's wishes to mankind.

Taking into account this and a number of other ideas of this masterpiece, the founder of national peace and unity - Leader of the nation, President of the Republic of Tajikistan Emomali Rahmon in his speech dedicated to the 115th anniversary of academician Bobozhan Gafurov on 12.05.2023 ordered the edition of "Shahnoma" by Abulqosim Firdavsi, available for all residents of the country.

It is not for nothing that the Honorable Leader of the nation Emomali Rahmon in every address to the intelligentsia and in general to the noble people of Tajikistan emphasizes that young people should be brought up in the spirit of teaching and contribute to the propaganda of the Motherland. From the very beginning of his rule, the head of state has declared: "I put education first in my policy". This is evidenced by the establishment of a number of national competitions, such as "Science - Light of Knowledge" and "Dawn of Knowledge - Book", as well as the construction of hundreds of new modern schools during the period of state independence. So, let us say, we should be true descendants of Rudaki and Firdavsi, turn to knowledge and wisdom, support the wise policy of the nation's leader Emomali Rahmon and make a clear contribution to the progress of the Motherland.

Rabiqov Khushruz

Specialist at the educational department

translated Ismoilov R.

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