Tajik language and its continuous development as a state language is the most important symbol of our state and political independence. Because linguistic independence is the basis of our country's independence.

Native tongue is a great, sweet word that appears with the birth of a human being. Even a newborn baby needs and listens to his mother's voice in her language and waits to hear that pure and holy word.

It is a highly respected language of our great nation, spoken by the great thinkers Rudaki, Firdavsi, Sino, Umari Khayyam, Saadi and Hafiz, Bedil and Nizami. The language that our elders glorified, and today we are proud of its existence.

The Tajik language is considered one of the oldest languages and has a long history. Today, this sacred language is universally recognized as the great language of human civilization. We, the owners of the language, are obliged to keep our great native language pure and free, to protect its purity.

The duty of every patriotic person is, first of all, to contribute to the purity of our Motherland, to keep it free from vices, to speak a foreign language. Every person must know his mother tongue before he can speak another language. In fact, if a person knows his own language, there is no problem in learning other languages.

From the period of its origin and development to the present day, the Tajik language has undergone few changes in its vocabulary and grammatical and stylistic structure, and in this respect it is the only language among other languages that has retained its status for more than a thousand years.

We, today's generation, are fortunate that our language has an ancient history and a priceless treasure. On February 21, 2002 was declared the International Mother Language Day by the decision of the UN. On July 22, 1989 by the decision of the Supreme Council of the Republic of Tajikistan Tajik language was declared the state language. On October 5, 2009, the Language Law No. 553 was again adopted, defining the legal status of the language. According to this decision, the work of all enterprises, educational and scientific institutions, etc., is carried out in the State language.

In the words of our esteemed Head of State, the Leader of the Nation Emomali Rahmon: "The Tajik language is on the rise, as long as the Tajik nation exists, its language will also be stable". We, the indigenous Tajiks, always try to keep the language of our nation pure and stable. We will not let the respect for this great language, the pure word of our mother tongue, be lost.

The Tajik language is our national spiritual monument as a mirror of the ancient history of our people, reflecting the customs and traditions of our nation and statehood.

For our ancestors, pride for the Motherland and language has always been a source of great feelings and has always been considered one of the most sacred concepts. The language of every people and nation in the world is a spiritual monument that has passed through various problems and obstacles together with its generations.

Fortunately, our people were able to preserve this unique monument among other spiritual monuments of their ancestors and bring it to our days.


S.M. Ortukova

Teacher of Foreign Languages Department

R.R. Rajabov

Senior teacher of Foreign Languages Department

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