The course of the symposium and sections in the structural divisions of SEI "Avicenna TSMU”

The course of the symposium and sections in the structural divisions of  SEI "Avicenna TSMU”

Within the framework of the 69th annual itlmino-practical conference of SEI " TSMU named Avicenna " with international participation on the topic "Achievements and problems of fundamental science and clinical medicine" dedicated to the 30th anniversary of the state independence of the Republic of Tajikistan and the years of development of rural, tourism and folk crafts (2019-2021) 6 symposium with consideration of the topics "topical issues of dermatovenere and cosmetology: from innovation to practice", "infections in medicine. COVID-19. "Peacemaking and modern sciences", "excitement and health", "problems of diabetes mellitus and its instincts", "obesity and healthy nutrition" and 6 lectures related to "problems of dentistry", "fundamental sciences", "surgical disciplines No. 1: operations, gynecology, gynecology, oncology", "surgical disciplines No. 2: operations of children, Uria, traumatology, nervous surgery"," current problems", "pediatric problems" at TSMU"..


Valiev Davlater

                                                                                       A journalist

                                                                                      The heirs of Alishod

                                                                                      head of department



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