Today, terrorism and extremism as undesirable phenomena worry the world community. Interested and radical groups kill innocent people to realize their goals and objectives. For this number, war and bloodshed have become a business and a source of capital accumulation. Unfortunately, international organizations are also ineffective against the evil intentions of extremists.

As we all know, violent criminal groups are more likely to recruit young people into their gangs. Soon this vulnerable group will be deceived by your evil words and will be used as a visible tool on the battlefields where they will all be killed and their young lives will be wasted.

A few years ago, most young Tajik people became loyal to such terrorist groups and mobilized for the war in Syria and Afghanistan. It is reliably known that they were killed to fulfill the demands of their masters or are in prisons in foreign countries.

Thanks to the implementation of anti-terrorist programs and activities, this process has been prevented and today young people have well understood that joining terrorist parties and movements only benefits the leaders of these criminal groups and all. In general, all trapped young people are killed by any means necessary. This statement is confirmed by women and young people who were returned home from Syria on their own initiative and on the initiative of the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan. It should be noted that December 23, 2021, the Law "On Countering Terrorism" was adopted, which is still in force today. On the basis of this Law, the prevention and countering of terrorism, protection of sovereignty and security is carried out and carried out, and as it follows from the analysis, it is by force and fulfillment of this Law that our country is peaceful and peaceful.

Then, on the initiative of the Founder of peace and national unity - Leader of the nation, President of the country his excellency Emomali Rahmon, the Law "On Education of Citizens' Patriotism" helped to educate young people in the spirit of patriotism and prevent them from joining extremist and extremist groups.

For years, our neighboring country of Afghanistan has been the subject of superstition and unwritten laws of subversive and extremist groups. Here are the laws and rules of machine guns, pistols, bullets and that's it. Civilians have no right to demand their wishes from the military. The rise to power of the Taliban extremist group has completely confused the situation in Afghanistan. It accuses the Taliban of being infected with mass murder, terrorism and extremism, which is not officially recognized by the international community. Extremist groups have turned Afghanistan into a hotbed of terrorism and remain a serious threat.

Palestine today is also under the fire of war. Thousands of children, women, old and young men have fallen victim to the policies of self-serving individuals, but the issue is not being discussed by the world's most influential organizations.

The Founder of peace and national unity - Leader of the nation, President of the Republic of Tajikistan his excellency Emomali Rahmon, as a wise, and peace-loving Leader, during the meeting of the joint Arab-Islamic emergency summit in the city of Riyadh, Emirates of Saudi Arabia, raised the issue of Palestine, expressed concern over the killing of children and mothers and appealed to the international community to not shy away from this bloody tragedy, to help extinguish the flames of war and to provide humanitarian assistance to help the oppressed people of Palestine.

Today, it is well known to everyone that the Internet is the only platform for terrorists who attract young people to extremist groups by any means. Especially teenagers who spend most of their time on social media, parents need and want to have full control over their children.

Thanks to the independence and clean atmosphere of the country, where all conditions for business and life are created and the people rallied around the Leader of the nation Emomali Rahmon and turned Tajikistan into a real flower garden.

Jonibekova R.N. –head of the maxillofacial surgery department

translated Ismoilov R.

04.12.2023 857