Terrorism is a dangerous phenomenon

Terrorism is a dangerous phenomenon

Terrorism and extremism are considered the most dangerous manifestations of the modern world and in recent decades have increasingly acquired various forms of threat and global danger. This undesirable phenomenon poses a serious threat to the lives of civilians and worries the entire world community. It leads to unpleasant consequences such as lawlessness, infliction of serious damage, changing the constitutional structure of a country, usurpation of power and usurpation of its authority, inciting national, social and religious conflicts. From the point of view of humanity, the end of the 20th century and the beginning of the 21st century may be the saddest period. Because the current state of the modern world and the rapid spread of extremely complex and horrifying phenomena of religious and religious extremism, extremism and political and nationalist terrorism have worried all countries of the world community. They say that throughout history extremism (extremism) and terrorism (terror) have accompanied mankind, and this is not unfounded. No one can say when and where the first terrorist attack took place. Its roots are very deep. In different historical periods, be it the Old Testament, the Middle Ages or the New Era, there have been individuals as well as organized political and religious groups who wanted to impose their goals on others through intimidation and terror, and in that context innocent people were sacrificed. The same thing is happening today, in our time. In the last decade, hundreds of thousands of civilians have been victimized by terrorist attacks and thousands of others have been disabled and unable to work. Every year, the mechanism of terrorist acts has changed, becoming more and more brutal and horrible, which shows that terrorist parties, movements and organizations discover and invent different ways in order to cause more material and life damage. In order to carry out their actions without hindrance, they commit crimes in public places such as markets, stores, schools and amusement parks. By committing criminal acts, they want to increase their prestige. The destruction of hundreds of buildings and structures, the deaths of civilians, and the flight of people from their places of residence are the reward for achieving the criminal goals of these groups. Today, as we see, a number of countries are experiencing devastating wars, causing an increase in the number of forced refugees, unemployment, hunger and other social problems. As we know from the media, thousands of people from war-torn countries are moving to European countries in the hope of security and peace, but it is clear that they face many problems there as well.

Under such conditions, terrorism has become a very profitable business on a global scale, as it provides a favorable environment for "mercenaries" and investors who supply them with weapons, as well as those who sell drugs. We all know the variety of reasons for the emergence of terrorism and extremism and its forms: low level of religious and secular knowledge, legal, material, ideological education, interest in new activities, lower living standards, personal dislike of leaders of political parties, violation of religious rights and ethnicity, being at a low level of information culture, etc. Young people, being the most vulnerable part of society, are often the main target of terrorist and extremist groups. If one of the main factors in attracting young people is the low level of education and indifference of parents to the fate of their children, one of the other factors is the widespread use of Internet sites. Analysis of these factors shows that the direction of young people joining extremist and terrorist groups is their sense of alienation. Therefore, it is necessary to control the behavior of young people abroad.

In order to prevent young people from joining such groups, the solution to this problem is cooperation and assistance to the authorities in the fight against terrorism and extremism, based on special programs with the participation of representatives of the executive bodies of state power, law enforcement agencies. agencies and civil society workers with youth and adolescents. Holding events and meetings in secondary and higher education institutions is not without advantages. The people of our society - parents, teachers, educational and cultural structures - need to once again pay serious attention to the work of education and training, effective spending of time of youth and adolescents, involving them in art circles. Children's thinking should not be filled with unnecessary information. He held interesting activities and involved children to instill healthy thoughts and ideas in them. Fortunately, many such measures have been implemented, and thanks to the initiatives and proposals of the Founder of peace and national unity - Honorable Leader of the nation, his excellency Emomali Rahmon, the elders of the country are encouraged through national contests in the field of science and knowledge. At the same time, on the instructions of the Chairman of Dushanbe city, sports grounds have been set up in micro-districts and young people are being attracted to sports activities.

Along with other developed countries of the world, Tajikistan and the Tajik people are fighting these deadly and terrible phenomena and trying to prevent the unpleasant consequences of such actions.

Muhidinova M., - Information and public relations department


Ruzimuhammad Ismoilov

21.08.2023 1270