February 24th, 2023 teachers and students at the Department of children's diseases №1 of the Avicenna Tajik State Medical University was held mini-conference with the participation of teachers and students on “terrorism, extremism and its danger to the modern world”. At the event, teachers gave detailed information about the emerging problems of terrorism and extremism at the world level in different and new forms and that it is one of the main problems of our time. It was said that the phenomena of terrorism and extremism are in any case harmful to modern society. Also young people and teenagers are invited by terrorists to join their terrorist groups, using religious rules and traditions. It should be known that terrorism is not peculiar to any religion or nation.
Preventing terrorism and extremism requires collective action and consistent resistance. At the same time, every member of society must think and strengthen their activities in society, understanding and considering that these phenomena mean nothing but destruction, and strive to fulfill the sacred duties of a citizen.
Department of children’s diseases №1
Head of department d.m.s., associate professor Mamajonova G.S.
Respnsible for educational affairs assistant Hotamova M
Ruzimuhammad Ismoilov