Terrorism is considered as one of the undesirable and harmful phenomena, its aim is to destroy the integrity of the state and killings and its leaders seek absolute power to realize their impure goals. Nowadays, this phenomenon is terrorized by various groups using Islamic names such as “Islamic State”, “Jabhat-a-Nusra”, “Al-Qoida”, “Taliban”. Such bloodthirsty groups form their physical strength at the expense of young people who are out of education and science, lagging behind in the upbringing of their parents, lacking education in the matters of their religion and customs, the idea of easy money and wealth without any effort falls into the trap of evil speculators. Lack of information leads people to terrorist movements. Such a process has reached its peak in the late 20th and early 21st century, which has caused concern to people all over the world. The bloody and barbaric events that the terrorist organization called "Islamic State" covers with a black cloth with the name of God and the Prophet of Islam are pursuing non-religious and religious goals within Syria, Iraq, Tunisia, Yemen, and Nigeria, along with the deaths of many innocent people of these countries, as well as important historical museums and important human achievements. Such terrorist organizations in eastern Islamic countries such as Syria, Iraq, Tunisia, Yemen, and Nigeria have tortured, and killed thousands of people, most of whom are children and teenagers. Such terrorist acts in the mentioned countries have led to the alienation of adolescents and youths from education, insignificance and undervaluation of human rights. The indifference, insignificance and lack of protection of people's basic rights under this unjust regime has left them confused. Under the oppression and tyranny of such terrorist organizations, State mechanisms for the protection of human rights have lost their normal activities and are unable to protect the rights of their commentators, which has caused many citizens to leave their country, which has become a tradition in modern times. The fate of a large part of them also remains unknown during their migration, which mostly takes place by sea.
It should be noted that a terrorist violates the moral fabric of society and threatens the security of the entire world region. Terrorism is the perpetration of acts that threaten the loss of humanity and its purpose is to use violence, murder and intimidation to usurp power.
The Founder of peace and national unity - Leader of the nation, President of the Republic of Tajikistan honorable Emomali Rahmon in his message to Majlisi Oli the country on December 26, 2019 declared 2019-2021 the Year tourism and folk crafts Development, and in particular, emphasized the problem of terrorism and extremism: Teachers and parents should be obliged to draw the attention of adolescents and students to obtain modern knowledge, educate them in the spirit of learning and self-knowledge. -knowledge, patriotism, patriotism and national identity.
Both society and the state must fight terrorism. Civil society should promote the ideas of humanity more by countering the ideas of terrorism. The legal basis for the fight against terrorism in our country is the Constitution of the Republic of Tajikistan and other normative legal acts.
Every citizen must fight the destructive phenomena of terrorism and extremism, strive to protect the integrity of independent Tajikistan and forever strengthen peace and stability.
Mirzoeva G.Kh.
Senior lecturer at the department of foreign languages
Ruzimuhammad Ismoilov