The modern world has faced a violent wave of extremist and terrorist groups, and in recent years there have been many news stories and reports about the growth and spread of terrorism, extremism and other dangerous phenomena, which are of concern to the international community civilization is indifferent.

      These phenomena are considered to be among the most important global problems and require the attention not only of a single state or a single region, but of all human society. Undoubtedly, the real results against the background of combating and confronting these phenomena can only have positive and active results within the framework of cooperation and integration of a wide range of states and regional and international organizations.

         It should be noted that the Republic of Tajikistan, as an integral member of the international community, cannot remain indifferent to the danger and threat of international terrorism and in fact is one of the key countries in the direction of resistance and measures to eliminate it. That is, the Republic of Tajikistan, feeling the increasing threats of extremism and terrorism to its national security and stable development, is stepping up the fight in that direction following the international community and the countries of the region.

      Extremist and terrorist organizations are stepping up their activities connected with propagating extremist ideas, inciting hatred and religious enmity in society, recruiting young people into their ranks, and committing extremist and terrorist crimes, and want to destroy the social and political structure of this or that country through violence.

Ideas disseminated by terrorist organizations affect the consciousness of the individual and reduce the sense of love for the homeland, national consciousness, respect for universal human and cultural and spiritual values.

         In order to combat terrorism and extremism, the world community is trying to establish a comprehensive level of counteraction to these undesirable phenomena by the states. In modern society, terrorism and extremism are among the most serious threats to global security. Therefore it is necessary to take a complex of political, legal, economic, social, cultural and religious measures to counteract these negative phenomena at the state level. In order to ensure the effectiveness of mechanisms of counteraction to terrorism and extremism, first of all, a legal basis for countering terrorism must be created.

       As the Founder of peace and national Unity, the Leader of the nation, the President of the Republic of Tajikistan his excellency Emomali Rahmon said in his address to the Majlisi Oli of the country "The changing situation of modern world and the steady emergence of dangerous manifestations of modernity, including terrorism and extremism, arms trafficking, drug trafficking, cyber crimes and other transnational crimes that concern humanity, make it a priority to pay attention to ensuring security in our country. As the supporters of terrorist and extremist organizations try to destabilize the situation in society, introduce division and incite religious and confessional conflicts, they widely use Internet for misleading citizens of the country, especially young people, attracting them to banned organizations.

The Republic of Tajikistan has established a complete legal basis for countering these widespread modern phenomena. Over the years of state independence, many normative legal documents have been adopted that were aimed at eliminating various causes and factors contributing to terrorism and extremism. In particular, the following documents are considered to be the legal basis for countering terrorism and extremism in the Republic of Tajikistan:

      - The Constitution of the Republic of Tajikistan;

      - The Criminal Code of the Republic of Tajikistan;

      - The Law of the Republic of Tajikistan on Combating Terrorism;

      - The Law of the Republic of Tajikistan on Combating Extremism;

- The Law of the Republic of Tajikistan on Combating the Legalization (Officialization) of the Proceeds of Crime and the Financing of Terrorism;

     - National Strategy of the Republic of Tajikistan on Countering Extremism and Terrorism for 2016-2020, approved by Presidential Decree No. 776 of November 12, 2016;

      - The Strategy for Countering Extremism and Terrorism in the Republic of Tajikistan for 2021-2025, approved by Presidential Decree No. 187 of June 1, 2021;

      - Single Concept of the Republic of Tajikistan on Combating Terrorism and Extremism (Extremism), approved by Presidential Decree No. 1717 of May 28, 2006;

      - State Program on Combating Crime for 2021-2030 approved by Government Decree of the Republic of Tajikistan, No. 265 of 30 June 2021

     - State Program of the Republic of Tajikistan on Strengthening the Fight against Terrorism for 2000-2003.

The Founder of peace and national Unity, Leader of the nation, the President of the Republic of Tajikistan, the esteemed Emomali Rahmon, is particularly interested in solving the urgent problems of the modern world, including terrorist and extremist processes in the world and the region.

The President of the country has repeatedly emphasized that during the years of independence the State and the Government of Tajikistan have attached the necessary importance to the development of the education system and the formation of a healthy generation and the creation of conditions for a decent life for every citizen, and measures have been taken to educate the younger generation in the spirit of patriotism and pride in history and the nation, believes it necessary.



Ruzimuhammad Ismoilov

08.06.2023 1470