The people of Tajikistan during the crisis of the 1990s faced the first terrorist incidents in the society, and from that period intellectuals, politicians and the public thought about the future fate of the society and the state. The great tragedy of the 1990s once again confirmed that terrorism and extremism are the main factors leading to the destruction of the nation and the state. At the same time, small groups of our fellow citizens who are outside the country, who wish to express themselves, unconsciously and perhaps even consciously distance themselves from the national identity. On the other hand, the result of a process of self-determination, self-discovery and behavioral development has taken a different stance. In this sense, life is the best means of perception of reality, rightly Hegel considers life experience as the true criterion of perception of the world of being.

Therefore, it tries to explain the details, process and formation of ideology accurately. But the process of self-discovery is seen mainly as an active internal process of the individual himself. The misfortune of anti-social groups, which are mercenaries of other people's political views outside the country, is manifested in the fact that they are confused in the system of their worldview manifestations and demonstrate their complete physiological helplessness and lack of understanding of these concepts. (See: Sirotin S.S. Hegel and the Problems of National Self-Consciousness, Proceedings, Vol. 9, Dushanbe: Modern Edition, 2020.-C.146). Thus, the impact of the negative process of terrorism and extremism was one of the causes of the civil war. In this regard, the importance of analyzing the intelligence process of extremism and terrorism movements is that it is, under the influence of extremist forces the civil war emerged in Tajikistan.

In the context of the imposed civil war, the factors of extremism and terrorism have been further aggravated and have comprehensively impeded the progress of society. Given the current environment where threats of extremism and terrorism have intensified. Where they have become transnational in nature, the need for society to familiarize itself with these undesirable phenomena has increased. It should be noted that in the "Law of the Republic of Tajikistan on Combating Terrorism" adopted on November 16, 1990, the concept of "terrorism" is interpreted as follows: "Terrorism is violence or threat of its use against individuals, coercion or threat of its use against legal entities, as well as destruction or threat of destruction of property or other material objects of individuals and legal entities, which pose a danger of loss of life, causing particularly serious property damage or socially dangerous consequences.

The concept of "terrorism" (from the Latin word terror - horror, fear) has been interpreted as a set of acts of terror and political violence, according to which terrorists use illegal and inhumane methods to achieve their goals. And the concept of "terrorist" is interpreted as a supporter of an individual terrorist act. That is, a terrorist is someone who carries out extremist actions or ideologies.


Nazaraliev F. - Department of Military Medicine



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