Tajikistan as a source of clean water locally and globally
April 20th, 2023, a scientific and educational event dedicated to the topic "Tajikistan as a source of fresh water locally and in the world" was held at the department of medical biology with the basics of genetics under the leadership of the chief - curator and curators of the department Shahsufbekova O.M., Rizoeva O. A., Karimova I.S. , Azimova G.N. , Hakimov S.A., with their curatorial groups also was held the event on the 28th , 29th , 30th , 31st and 32nd with great splendor. Heads of departments, officials of the education sector actively participated in the event of the department. The purpose of conducting this scientific and educational event is that every student should know that our motherland, Tajikistan, is the source of clean water. We should be thankful that we live in a country where we do not suffer from a shortage of drinking water, and we use it freely for drinking whenever we want. Isn't this the happiness of every Tajik commenter.
Department of medical biology with the basics of genetics
Chief curator Umarova O.U.
Ruzimuhammad Ismoilov