Everyone knows which forces are helping terrorist and extremist organizations today. The opinion of analysts, scientists and politicians in this regard shows that, given the support of the authorities, terrorists and extremists resort to explosions and murders to achieve their goals. Now terrorism and extremism, like the plague of the century, threaten the security of the world and every inhabitant of the planet, posing no less danger to humanity than nuclear weapons. In such a case, of course, only a global coalition and the selfless struggle of all the countries of the world can eradicate this plague of the century.

Founder of peace and national unity - Leader of the nation, the President of the Republic of Tajikistan his excellency Emomali Rahmon in his Address to the Majlisi Oli of the country from 20.01.2016 stressed that “The use of “double politics” in relation to terrorism and extremism seriously reduces the effectiveness of the international community in the joint struggle against these phenomena, on the contrary, creates new contradictions between military and political coalitions and makes the world even more unstable”.

Today the Republic of Tajikistan is a member of a number of anti-terrorist organizations. From the first days of its new statehood, Tajikistan condemned this type of crime, introduced amendments and additions to existing legislation, joined the process with international governmental and non-governmental organizations, and categorically condemned all terrorist and extremist manifestations.

In his speeches, the Leader of the nation repeatedly emphasized from the high rostrum of the UN and other influential international organizations that Tajikistan and the Tajik people were and are against manifestations of terrorism, extremism and extremism in all periods of their statehood. Today, the Republic of Tajikistan is recognized as an active participant in the international arena in combating terrorism and extremism, and its proposals are supported. In the not very long history of its statehood, under conditions of independence, the authorities of the Republic of Tajikistan have fought against these undesirable phenomena, and continue to do so today.

The Republic of Tajikistan is not indifferent to combating extremism and terrorism in the region and on the world stage, has a serious and stable position and wishes close cooperation with countries of the world and authoritative international organizations. To combat terrorism and extremism, the Republic of Tajikistan has adopted national strategies to combat extremism and terrorism for 2016-2020, 2021-2025. The national counter-extremism and counter-terrorism strategies for 2021-2025 emphasize, with reference to international experience, that success in combating extremism and terrorism requires taking into account the ideological, socio-economic, legal and structural factors that contribute to extremists' activities. be removed.

Although the fight against terrorism and extremism is the main task of law enforcement bodies and security agencies, at the same time it requires comprehensive support of citizens. The sense of patriotism, scholarship and love of profession and craft should be more widely introduced into the younger generation of primary, secondary and higher professional education institutions of the country in order to eliminate the inclination of young people to such extreme currents.

Thus, to combat radicalism, extremism and terrorism, all strata of society, including scientists and specialists, educators, journalists and intellectuals, must be responsible, cooperate with the authorities and protect people from the influence of this contagion of the age.

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