Within the framework of the action plan of Avicenna Tajik State Medical University, in order to implement the orders and instructions of the Founder of peace national and unity - Leader of the nation, President of the Republic of Tajikistan Honorable Emomali Rahmon, Chairman of the Dushanbe city Honorable Rustami Emomali, the leadership of the Ministries of Education and Science, Health and Social Protection of Population and the administration of the University in the direction of development works with the participation of employees and teachers is constantly organized and conducted Saturday clean-up day, actions and other events of educational importance and environmental education.
Taken these purposes, today, on 19.08.2023, the Avicenna Tajik State Medical University was held a Sabbath with the participation of the staff of the economic sector and teachers. Shabbath participants at the cleaning of the educational complex of the city "Shifobakhsh", the main administrative and educational building, educational, scientific and clinical center "Stomatology", Institute of fundamental medicine, diagnostic and treatment center, educational, scientific and production center "Pharmacy", gardens and dormitories and other structural subdivisions of the University and adjacent roads located on Sino, Rudaki, Ismaili Somoni avenues, Sanoy, Samad Gani, Shukufon, Alisher Navoi, Shamsi streets in Sino and Ismoili Somoni districts in Dushanbe. Flowers, shrubs, trees and greenery were also beautified, and the territory and lands around the University buildings were moistened.
Дар Донишгоҳи давлатии тиббии Тоҷикистон ба номи Абуалӣ ибни Сино корҳои созандагиву ободонӣ тавассути ҳашарҳои дастаҷамъонаву шанбегӣ, аксия ва дигар чорабиниҳои аҳамияти экологидошта пайваста гузаронида шуда, кормандону омӯзгорон ва донишҷӯён дар якҷоягӣ саҳми арзишманди хешро дар ҳифзи табиат, тозагиву назофати муҳити атроф ва рушду ободии пойтахти мамлакат – шаҳри Душанбе мегузоранд.
At the Avicenna construction and improvement works are continuously carried out through collective and Saturday events, actions and other plans of environmental importance, and staff, teachers and students together make their valuable contribution to the protection of nature, cleanliness. and cleanliness of the environment, as well as the development and prosperity of the capital of the country – Dushanbe city.
Valiev Davlatyor
Journalist of the rector’s Service
Ruzimuhammad Ismoilov