The Republic of Tajikistan implements favorable measures for improvement of citizens' life and nature protection. In the context of this requirement, institutions and organizations, workplaces and in general every person, in order to improve the life of citizens and live in a clean and tidy environment, always carry out activities of environmental importance.
In the light of these goals, today, 28.10.2023, at the Avicenna Tajik State Medical University, there was held collective sabbath with the participation of the economic section staff and teachers. At the clean-up day participants cleaned the Educational Complex "Shifobakhsh", the main administrative and academic building, the educational, research and clinical center "Stomatology", the Institute of Fundamental Medicine, the diagnostic and treatment center, the educational and research and production center "Pharmacy", gardens and dormitories and other structural subdivisions of the University and adjacent roads located on Sino, Rudaki, Ismoili Somoni avenues, Sanoy, Samad Ghani, Shukufon, Alisher Navoi, Shamsi streets in Sino and Ismoili Somoni districts of Dushanbe city. Flowers, bushes, trees and green areas were also organized and softened.
Avicenna Tajik State Medical University continuously carries out construction activities and improvement works through collective and Saturday actions and other environmentally significant activities. The capital of the country is the city of Dushanbe.
Valiev Davlatyor
journalist of the rector’s Service
Ruzimuhammad Ismoilov