AIDS is the final stage of HIV. The disease, which is defined as a symptom of lack of immunity, has been known since the early 80th of the XX century. Today, according to the UN, every day in the world 16 thousand people are infected with the immunodeficiency virus, of which 50% are young people between the ages of 14 and 20.
Since the emergence of this disease in the world, it has infected about 60 million people, of whom 20 million have died. And that is very alarming.
Women, men and children can be infected with HIV. There is no age or nationality for HIV-AIDS. People exposed to the HIV virus feel perfectly healthy for many years. Another sign of the disease is that it is not noticeable. But the person himself is dangerous to others and can actively spread the disease. From infection to the appearance of clinical signs and symptoms can take from 1 to 5-10 years.
Last year, 1,422 new cases of HIV infection were detected in Tajikistan. Thus, up to four people were infected with this virus every day in Tajikistan.
Most Tajik citizens, or 72.6 percent, contracted human immunodeficiency virus sexually, according to the Ministry of Health and Social Protection. According to him, others infected with the immunodeficiency virus were infected by injection from mother to child and by unknown means.
The above information was analyzed and discussed at the round table of the department of children’s diseases №1, dedicated to the World Day against HIV, and students received specific answers to their numerous questions. The work of the round table under the unanimous decision and the slogan "Every person must protect themselves from the risk of infection with these deadly diseases and viruses!".
Head of the department c.m.s., Mamadjonova G.S.
Ismoilov R.