Rapid climate change has a negative impact on nature and existence of living beings, and mankind is exposed to the sensitive process of rapid climate change and its catastrophic consequences. The current situation requires the countries of the world and international organizations to take immediate and collective measures to protect nature and its creatures, to ensure safe life of people. Excessive exploitation of underground resources and their widespread use in industry, construction and transportation and, as a consequence, the emission of greenhouse gases into the air are rapidly changing the climate of planet Earth. The increase of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere over the last two hundred years has led to an increase in the impact of greenhouse gases and disruption of the Earth's heat balance. According to scientists' studies, about 22 billion tons of greenhouse gas emissions are released into the atmosphere every year.

Climate change and unbearable heat have increased the number of natural disasters such as floods, inundations, fires, avalanches, sudden rains and landslides, causing serious damage to human life and the economy of nations. Along with climate change, the number of people without access to water and water resources is increasing. Water scarcity is also considered to be a problem of our time, and desertification is also associated with water scarcity. This situation has led to food shortages, poverty and the growth of infectious diseases in the world. Independent Tajikistan, under the leadership and guidance of the leader of the nation, President of the Republic of Tajikistan honorable Emomali Rahmon, is taking constructive actions and initiatives at the national, regional and international levels to prevent climate change and eliminate its consequences. Tajikistan believes that the solution of all problems, including the problem of climate change and elimination of its devastating consequences on planet Earth, depends on solidarity and unity of the countries of the world, effective cooperation and joint activities in this direction.

Over the last 60 years, the average annual air temperature in Tajikistan has increased by 1 degree, the number of flood days has increased, and water-related natural disasters have become more frequent, creating problems for sustainable development of the country. Nowadays, rapid climate change jeopardizes human life, weather balance, existence of plants and animals, water resources and knows no borders and territories on the planet Earth. No country alone can confront climate change and its terrible consequences. The acute problems associated with global climate change will be solved only in solidarity and joint actions of the countries of the world.

Thus, it is not too late for the countries of the world and international organizations to unite to prevent rapid climate change, the existence of mankind, plants and animals, and the overall sustainability of planet Earth, to take practical measures and fulfill their original commitments and missions to humanity.

Valiev Davlatyor

journalist of the rector's Service


Ruzimuhammad Ismoilov

18.10.2023 1254