On November 15-2023, a mini-conference was held in honor of the Day of the President of the Republic at the Department of Foreign Languages of the SEI "TSMU named after Abuali ibn Sino" under the leadership of teachers Karimova M.D. and Mirzoeva G.H. with the participation of department staff and students 34, 28 of the 2nd year of the medical faculty.
It was performed by the assistant of the department - Karimova M.D., Mirzoeva G.H. аnd noted that the greatest achievement of Emomali Rakhmon is undoubtedly the establishment of lasting peace and national unity. The bitter experience of internal wars in the world indicates that no state has managed to defeat its rivals on the battlefield and stand at the head of the state apparatus, government structures and military bodies, using weapons, military equipment and its soldiers.
Thanks to the provision of peace and national unity, Emomali Rahmon laid a reliable foundation for the transition to the stage of economic recovery and the start of creative affairs.
To date, the state independence of the Republic of Tajikistan has officially recognized more than 150 countries of the world. The Republic of Tajikistan recognized the UN Charter, the Helsinki Final Act, the Paris Declaration and other international agreements - and implements its domestic and foreign policy, protecting human rights, regardless of nationality, religion or race.
Emomali Rahmon made a huge contribution to increasing the international authority and prestige of Tajikistan, to solving global problems. Speaking repeatedly from the high rostrum of the UN, he drew the attention of the world community not only to the problems of Tajikistan, but also to the issues of Afghanistan, the fight against terrorism, extremism and drug smuggling, the uneven development of the world's states, and the provision of clean water to mankind. In particular, he attracted the world community to solve the problem of Afghanistan, which was turning into a base of terrorism and extremism.
Tajik President Emomali Rahmon also takes a forward-looking and serious approach to the most important issues related to the future of mankind. At the suggestion of Emomali Rahmon, the United Nations proclaimed 2003 the International Year of Clean Water, and 2005-2015 the Water for Life Decade. Currently, most international and regional events are held within the framework of this Decade, so this initiative of the Head of State causes a sense of pride in every citizen of Tajikistan.
Thus, the historical merit of Emomali Rahmon lies in the fact that it was he who, taking over the management of the state, prevented the threat of its disappearance, extinguished the flames of the civil war, restored paralyzed structures of power, especially law enforcement agencies, created a national army and border troops, provided conditions for strengthening power and state, guaranteed the nation peace, returned refugees and internally displaced persons to their homeland. He laid a solid foundation for building a new society in Tajikistan, carried out constitutional reform in the country, created a new Constitution (Basic Law) of Tajikistan, and provided a political and legal basis for the signing of the General Agreement on the Establishment of Peace and National Accord on June 27, 1997. Emomali Rahmon achieved peace between Tajiks, which was an instructive experience for the world community. He created the conditions for national revival, laid the foundation for creative affairs, radically improved socio-economics
Karimova M.D., Mirzoeva G.H.
Teachers of foreign languages department