The Internet was created in 1969 as part of the ARPANET project developed by the U.S. Defense Information Agency. The official date of creation of the Internet is October 29, 1969. The founder of the Internet is the group of scientists and engineers who worked on the ARPANET project. Key names include Leonard Klehr, Robert Kahn, Larry Roberts, Wynton Koff, and others. The basic principles of the Internet are decentralization and openness. Decentralization means that the network is not centralized and controlled by a single organization or government, allowing everyone on the network to share information. Openness means that all information transmitted over the Internet should be available to every user without restriction. The Internet has evolved since its inception. In the 1970s, new universities and organizations began to connect to the ARPANET. In the 1980s, the concept of TCP/IP was developed, which became the basis for the creation of a global network. In the 1990s, the Internet became a business and began to spread rapidly around the world. The Internet has had a huge impact on the world. It changed the way users communicate and allowed people to freely share information and ideas. It has become a business and allows people to buy and sell goods and services online. The internet has made it easier to access knowledge and education by allowing information to be obtained from a variety of sources. It has changed and developed many industries such as media, entertainment, finance, etc. The history of the emergence of the Internet is closely related to the development of computer technology and the need of the scientific community to communicate and share information effectively. The Internet is a huge network connecting millions of computers around the world. Internet technology was not created by one person, but there are several key figures who played an important role in its development. One of the main initiators of the Internet is Tim Berners-Lee, who created the concept of the World Wide Web. In 1989, Berners-Lee proposed a hypertext system that allowed documents to be linked together by hyperlinks. This became the basis for the creation of web pages and the further development of the Internet. Another important figure is Wynton Cerf, who together with Robert Kahn developed the TCP/IP data transfer protocol. This protocol became a networking standard and allowed data to be exchanged between different computers. Interestingly, the idea of networking predates the Internet itself. In the 1960s, ARPA (Advanced Research Projects Agency) of the U.S. Army created Arpanet, a network of several universities and research centers.

Thus, the Internet was created by the collective efforts of many people. Thanks to the revolutionary ideas of Tim Berners-Lee and Winton Cerf, and the hard work of other scientists and engineers, the Internet has become a powerful means of communication and information exchange that we use in our daily lives.

Valiev Davlatyor

journalist of the rector’s Service


Ruzimuhammad Ismoilov

31.10.2023 1243