November 16th - The President's Day of the Republic of Tajikistan

November 16th  - The President's Day of the Republic of Tajikistan

At the department of training with the basics of children’s diseases of SEI "Avicenna Tajik State Medical University” from 8 to 9 November 2022, assistant professor Abdullaeva N.A. and education assistant Ashurova N.P. was held an open class on the theme: "November 16 - President's Day of the Republic of Tajikistan" with the participation of employees of the department and 3rd year students, 5th, 6th and 7th groups of pediatrics faculty. Students of these groups made a meaningful speech with poems and songs.

According to the article 2 of the Law of the Republic of Tajikistan "On Holidays," which was adopted on May 14, 2016, November 16 will be celebrated in our native Tajikistan as "President's Day of the Republic of Tajikistan." On this day, scientific gatherings, people's assemblies, sports and entertainment competitions and celebrations take place all over the country. The reason of such graceful holiday is that exactly on this historical day, November 16, 1994, the beloved leader of our nation Emomali Rahmon was first sworn in as the President of the Republic of Tajikistan before the people and homeland. In the same year, in the first Constitution of independent Tajikistan, adopted by the people, the form of government of Tajikistan was changed to the form of the Presidential Republic.

Therefore, the celebration of the " President’s Day of the Republic of Tajikistan" means understanding of the key importance of this state institution in the protection and development of our national statehood, as well as the celebration of appreciation and gratitude to all those high state, national and civil values, the constitutional guarantor of which is the President of the Republic of Tajikistan. That is why "President's Day of the Republic of Tajikistan" - is the holiday of every self-confident and patriotic citizen and the holiday of every free and peace-loving resident of dear Tajikistan. As an independent and stable state, it has become an impossible historical and political reality.

Department training with the basics of children’s diseases


Ruzimuhammad Ismoilov

15.11.2022 2386