No terrorism and extremism!

No terrorism and extremism!

The Republic of Tajikistan is purposefully making efforts against the dangers of modernity as a natural partner of all countries of the world and in this direction expresses its readiness through the adoption of specific measures and effective struggle.

Adoption and implementation of a number of normative and legal acts, including since 1999 the Law of the Republic of Tajikistan “On combating terrorism” and in 2003 the Law of the Republic of Tajikistan “On combating extremism" and, by the instruction of the President of the Republic of Tajikistan “Conception of the Republic of Tajikistan on struggle against terrorism and extremism”, since 2006 have confirmed that these preventive measures will facilitate the detection and investigation of crimes related to terrorism and extremism, taking into account the changing socio-political situation in the country.

The undesirable process of youth joining in undesired social groups all over the planet, including our country, shows that supporters of terrorist groups use relatively easy and effective ways to propagate extremist ideas and threaten the security and state of the country like the plague of the century. However, the main problem of our youth is that they are not aware of the real ideology of religious extremists, which leads some of the ignorant youth to participate in the biased, anti-state and anti-national goals of terrorist groups. However, "throughout history, no people and nation has forgiven and will not forgive treason against the homeland, the state and the people".

Today, the Government of the country, within the framework of the realization of the strategic goals has guaranteed the creation of new work places and the provision of decent living conditions for every citizen, including youth, which will be one of the reasons for the reduction of this dangerous phenomenon. However, at the same time, at the center of the national ideology of our youth should be the promotion of national ideas, understanding and protection of the achievements of state independence, and representation of national culture. Because in the sensitive and complex situation of globalization, it is very important to educate a tolerant, responsible, successful person who puts national and state interests higher than personal.

At the same time, increasing the influence of leading intellectuals in the public consciousness, who can become an active basis in awakening the taste for reading literary works among young people, it is advisable to train young speakers who promotes national ideology in the form of patriotism among young people.

In front of the eyes of the older generation, the political intelligence of young people, strict control of the use of social networks by parents, the strong connection between school and family, the involvement of young people by interest in scientific and inventive circles, attention to the daily use of scientific education of young people and adolescents in remote villages, creating conditions for their education and entertainment.

Effective implementation of the Law of the Republic of Tajikistan "On the responsibility of parents in the education and upbringing of children" requires the older generation to cultivate a sense of love for the homeland, respect to the national and state values, protection of borders and our beloved motherland in the forefront of children's national thinking, expressing the role of women, and an educated mother must fulfill her duty in raising a pious and self-conscious generation.

Tajikistan’s modern successful policy requires modern ways and methods of collective struggle against these negative phenomena and fight against global threats.

Therefore, we all owe it to ourselves to be an example, to educate the young and creative generation, to guide it to the prosperity and development of the homeland, to prevent xenophobia and betrayal of the interests of the nation and the state, to join the ranks with clean hands and heart, let us dare to pursue a stable state policy.


Ruzimuhammad Ismoilov

01.08.2023 1444