February 2nd , 2023, in the audience "Sino" of the Institute of Fundamental Medicine of the Avicenna Tajik State Medical University, with the participation of representatives of the authorities and the military, administration and a wide range of teachers and students of ATSMU, there was conducted educational and political event to identify factors contributing to the involvement of youth in terrorist and extremist parties and movements, effective ways of preventing and combating terrorism and extremism.

The event related on issues of preventing and countering terrorism and extremism, legal consequences and responsibility for cooperation and joining terrorist and extremist organizations. It should be noted that the country is currently implementing the "Strategy for Countering Extremism and Terrorism in the Republic of Tajikistan for 2021-2025", which defines the direction of combating extremism and terrorism in the Republic of Tajikistan.

In fact, terrorism, extremism, separatism, drug trafficking, and affiliation with anti-humanist parties and movements are terrible phenomena of a global nature and are increasingly taking different forms. With the increasing political climate of the world and its rapid changes and developments, increasing interstate and interreligious conflicts, and the systematic growth of transnational threats, the vulnerability of societies is felt. The events of the end of the world show that terrorism and extremism have become the main dangers of the modern world. Such undesirable phenomena of the century as terrorism and extremism can increase the real danger in any form to the fate of any nation on the planet.

The administration of the Avicenna Tajik State Medical University considers serious issues, and with the involvement of experts and representatives of law enforcement and military bodies, meetings with students, and awareness-raising events on the consequences of the phenomenon of extremism and terrorism are organized and conducted at the university.


Valiev Davlatyor

Journalist of the Rector’s Service


Ruzimuhammad Ismoilov

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