Mother’s Love

Mother’s Love

A hundred souls and hearts sacrificed to the mother,

A mother's hands and prayers bring victory and revelation.

Indeed, what beautiful words, I can say no more. In these poems Loiq, in all his art, described the feeling and greatness of a mother. If we do good to our mothers, it is not enough. A mother is the inexhaustible source of human existence. A mother cares for her child not for a moment, we cannot return children to two worlds, the elders say, "Heaven is under the feet of mothers."

Mother! Yes, mother is our eternal love, she is the only one who loves and cherishes us for all our sins and mistakes, always forgives and cherishes us. Yes, a mother loves her child, whoever that child may be. Whether the child is a good person or a bad person. Tradition says that even if he is a bad child, he is dear to his mother. The mother is the most respected person. Her love is the sun that illuminates the whole world. Her love is full of springs from which steppes and deserts, fields and caves blossom.

          If it were not for motherly counsel and prayer, we would have lost our way on the winding path of life. If we are a scholar of the earth, if we are a hero, if we are a man of the field and a Rustam of our time - all thanks to the blessing of our mother's hands and prayers.

Mother, you did us a great honor. You gave birth to us, how many sleepless nights you spent for us. During our illness, you spent long nights on our heads. You have shared all our sorrows and joys. Every time one of us opens the door, we say the word "Mom" first. After all, the word mother is dear to each of us.

Gadoeva Sitora

Specialist of the library


Ruzimuhammad Ismoilov

06.03.2023 777