Mass participation of teachers and active students of the Department of Pharmacology at the international conference of young scientists

Mass participation of teachers and active students of the Department of Pharmacology at the international conference of young scientists

Date 29.10.2021 Dean of the Faculty of Pharmacy N.I. O.T., Associate Professor Saidzoda B.I. O. together with teachers of the Department of Pharmacology and active students of the Faculty participated in the international conference of young scientists and students of the Voronezh Medical University of the Russian Federation. 5th-year students of the Faculty of Pharmacy Rakhmatullayeva Nigorakhon and Gurezova Janat took part in this conference via the Internet and their scientific reports, under the leadership of the Department of Pharmacology Yuldasheva U.P. were completed and presented.

 Stylistics of the Faculty of Pharmacy

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