Informational extremism in social networks

Informational extremism in social networks

Because of the constant growth in the possibilities of Internet resources, the information made available online is becoming increasingly uncontrollable. As a consequence, morally negative information is emerging. Earlier extremism was seen as a phenomenon that existed somewhere further away, but now, due to the possibilities of computer and information technologies, we see the real threat it brings, and all this is happening in real time.

Communication via cell phones, multimedia, and computer technologies have transformed interpersonal and group communication to the scale of mass communication (forums, chat rooms, blogs, etc. have become the property of broad layers of the Internet audience). As a result, members of extremist movements and groups have been able to disseminate their ideology and beliefs in Internet resources, where the number of viewers can range from several dozens to hundreds of thousands of people.

Massive social networks, which are so popular among youth, make it possible to communicate on any topic, discuss and comment on certain events. With their knowledge of psychology, extremists have been able to conduct their propaganda in social networks under the guise of "exchange of opinions", recruit new supporters and increase the number of "interested", using the easily transformed and unformed youth consciousness for their purposes.

In the opinion of V. Gladyshev, extremism propaganda in social networks has its own specifics. This is evident from the fact that in social networks personal information is often specified, it is possible to purposefully distribute materials to maximize the impact on users of a certain age group. For example, in any group promoting religious fundamentalism, the majority of followers are under 18 years of age. They are favorable ground for promoting ideas of religious extremism because of their suggestibility.

Information extremism in social networks is presented as a multilevel concept that combines the manipulation of mass consciousness, fueling interethnic and inter-confessional hatred, spreading artificially created rumors, carried out in the boundless space of the Internet, which, according to most experts, may well be considered a real threat not only to the stable existence of society in the communication system, but also to society as a whole.

Abduraupova Kn. N.,

lecturer of the department of social disciplines of the ATSMU


Ruzimuhammad Ismoilov

09.10.2023 939