In Dushanbe will be held 10th regional symposium on tuberculosis treatment

In Dushanbe will be held 10th regional symposium on tuberculosis treatment

Dushanbe will host the 10th regional Symposium “Scientific progress: solving the problem of drug-resistant tuberculosis in our hands” on May 3-4 on tuberculosis treatment in Eastern Europe and Central Asian countries. This was reported to AMIT "Khovar" by the state Institution "Republican TB Center" of the Ministry of Health and Social Protection of Population the Republic of Tajikistan.

Scientific and practical medical symposium on tuberculosis treatment will be conducted in collaboration with the Ministry of health and social protection of population ofthe Republic of Tajikistan, the Republican Center for Protection of Population from Tuberculosis and the International Humanitarian Medical Organization “Doctors without borders”.

As reported, similar symposia were previously held in Kiev (2020), Tashkent (2011, 2019), Bishkek (2012, 2018), Tbilisi (2016), Yerevan (2015), Minsk (2017). In 2013, the first such symposium was held in Dushanbe.

As usual, this scientific and practical conference was distinguished by specialists in the field of diagnostics, treatment, prevention of tuberculosis, provision of drugs and medical supplies, representatives of ministries of health of the countries of the mentioned regions, “Doctors without borders”, World Health Organization, the Global Fund and partner organizations, i.e. national TB centers, as well as international experts.

Representatives from Eastern Europe and Central Asia: Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Kyrgyzstan, Russia, Uzbekistan, Ukraine as well as participants from Afghanistan, India and Lebanon will come to Dushanbe.

In recent years, significant progress has been made in the treatment of drug-resistant tuberculosis. Specialists in the fight against the disease have released modern drugs and developed documents for short-term treatment regimens. In addition, new protocols provide for the treatment of patients without the use of injections, which greatly facilitates the practical application of treatment regimens (including for patients living in areas remote from well-equipped medical clinics). Based on the results of the international TV PRACTECAL clinical trial, the World Health Organization has recommended the use of the BPaLM (bedaquiline-pretomanide-linezolid-moscifloxacin) short-term regimen for general use in 2022. The main goal of the symposium is to discuss the implementation of this protocol (treatment regimen) and international experience in this area.

As reported, the conference participants discussed practical issues of implementing new short-term treatment regimens recommended by WHO for drug-resistant tuberculosis, diagnostics and treatment of drug-resistant tuberculosis in children, the approach and attitude to patients in treatment. tuberculosis., consider the concept and organization of tuberculosis treatment programs within the "Zero TB" project, screening and treatment of TB in prisons (jails), providing medicines and access to TB diagnosis.

AMIT “Khovar”


Ruzimuhammad Ismoilov

04.05.2023 691