Glory to the Victorians!!! Happy Victory Day over Fascism!!!

Glory to the Victorians!!! Happy Victory Day over Fascism!!!

War... It seems to be somewhere, far away, and it won't concern you. This is how graduates of Soviet schools had their graduation party on June 22, 1941. Graduation exams, worries, sleepless nights were behind us. Issuance of diplomas was accompanied by congratulations, joy, happiness, admonitions and wishes from teachers and parents. This period was eagerly awaited by both students and their loved ones. Many of them to traditionally met a dawn, sang songs, shared plans about the future. Some wanted to be doctors, some wanted to be architects....

        But at 4 a.m., the newscaster announced that the Soviet Union had been attacked by fascist Germany under Hitler without a declaration of war. Mass mobilization began. Overnight everything conceived: plans, prospects, crumbled. Women's cries could be heard from every house. Thus began the Day of Remembrance and Sorrow - the day of the beginning of the Great Patriotic war.

The Tajik SSR, as one of the 15 Soviet republics, was not left out either. The military committees of Stalinabad (now Dushanbe) received thousands of applications from volunteers to be sent to the front. From 1941 to 1945 in the war shoulder to shoulder, bringing the victory closer, fought 290000 Tajiks. They participated in all historically significant battles, provided security at the Tehran Conference in 1943. That was the first meeting of the leaders of the three leading powers of the anti-Hitler coalition: Joseph Stalin, Franklin Roosevelt (United States) and Winston Churchill (Great Britain). Our compatriots have awards, including Heroes of the Soviet Union. Many were awarded posthumously. About 100,000 fighters did not return home.

Labor in the rear was no less important. So, the home front workers sent to the front over 1 billion rubles, 40 thousand poods of grain (1015 tons), 213 tons of meat, 2014 tons of potatoes and vegetables, 458 tons of fruit, over 150 wagons of food, 532 thousand sets of warm clothes, 123 thousand 80 sheepskins, 25 thousand meters of fabric and 993 thousand 400 kilograms of wool. Canned unripe nuts made in Leninabad saved soldiers in the Far North from scurvy. The Tajik SSR became home to thousands of refugees, including scientists evacuated from the occupied lands. Hospitals, factories and plants were set up in our land.

As a result, on May 8, 1945 the act of unconditional surrender of Nazi Germany was signed. The USSR won the victory over fascism!

The value of the victory is estimated at millions of lives. Perhaps, almost 80 years later, we do not know about many exploits. All those who brought the Great Victory closer are heroes! Today, there are about 30 veterans left in our Republic, who are over 90 years old and they still remember the war with pain.

On this memorable date at the Department of Dermatology and Venereology the reports, presentations under the slogan "No one is forgotten, nothing is forgotten" were made by the students of the 4th year of medical faculty. Glory to the winners!!! Happy Victory Day over Fascism!!!

Head of the department of dermatovenerology,

d.m.s., Muhamadieva K.M.

Associate professor of the department, c.m.s., Ismatulloeva S.S.


Ruzimuhammad Ismoilov

08.05.2023 1166