From today, it is prohibited accepting cash payments for paid services in Tajikistan

From today, it is prohibited accepting cash payments for paid services in Tajikistan

Starting from today, August 1 2023, in the Republic of Tajikistan on the basis of the Decree of the President of the Republic of Tajikistan "On measures to expand non-cash payments" non-cash payment of taxes, state fees for issuing permits and licenses, other mandatory payments to the budget, fines, the amount of compulsory state insurance, medical care, utilities, other types of public services, as well as the receipt of funds by ministries, departments and state organizations.

Also, ministries and agencies, state organizations and financial credit organizations of the republic are prohibited to accept payment for paid services in cash.

This step is timely and important, first of all, it lays a real foundation for ensuring transparency of financial transactions, enriching the state budget, preventing corruption factors, promoting the development of the financial sector, expanding financial integration in the country and improving financial literacy of the population.

As NIAT "Khovar" was informed in the State Unitary Enterprise "Savings Bank of the Republic of Tajikistan "Amonatbank", in order to strengthen the infrastructure necessary for cashless payment of taxes, state duties, fines, compulsory insurance amounts, public utilities and other types of public services in branches, banking service centers and tax inspection buildings, a total of 853 POS-terminals have been installed, including 820 in bank branches and 33 in tax inspections.

Based on the Decree, the National Bank of Tajikistan, ministries and agencies, state organizations and financial credit institutions of the republic are also instructed to develop, organize and provide the necessary infrastructure for acceptance of non-cash payments until August 1, 2023.

NIAT “Khovar”


Ruzimuhammad Ismoilov

02.08.2023 1324