"Our determination to defend our values and way of life is stronger than their (terrorist) determination to cause death and destruction to innocent people in their desire to impose extremism on the world."

Tony Blair

The problem of the spread of extremism in the world is one of the factors threatening the national security and integrity of states. While terrorism is undoubtedly rejected by society, extremism, a key element in the destruction of the foundations of the constitutional order, is still perceived by citizens as a perfectly acceptable instrument of political confrontation. Extremism is becoming a self-sufficient social factor with goals and destructive potential equal to, and in certain conditions even surpassing, the terrorist threat to national security of the state. Currently, manifestations of extremism are felt in virtually all spheres of public life: politics, interethnic and interfaith relations, culture, etc. Extremism has a multifaceted character, and then acts as a destabilizing factor in the life of the state and society.

Extremism is a commitment to extreme measures and views that radically deny existing norms and rules in society through a set of violent manifestations committed by individuals and specially organized groups and communities. Such manifestations include provocation of riots, civil disobedience, terrorist actions, and guerrilla warfare methods. The growth of extremism is usually promoted by: socio-economic crises, a sharp decline in the living standards of the bulk of the population, totalitarian political regime with suppression of opposition by the authorities, persecution of dissent. However, extremism, as a phenomenon, is quite resilient in states with a democratic system, including numerous rights and freedoms. There are the following main types of extremism: political, national and religious.

National extremism speaks under the slogans of protecting "their people", their economic interests and cultural values, as a rule, to the detriment of representatives of other nationalities living on the same territory.

Religious extremism is understood as intolerance towards dissenting members of the same or other religions.

Political extremism refers to movements or currents against the existing constitutional order. As a rule, national or religious extremism is the basis for the emergence of political extremism. Today, extremism is a real threat to national security for any country.

Undoubtedly, prevention of extremism, especially among young people, is a more profitable way of combating extremism than banning organizations and criminal prosecution of their members. Young people are particularly prone to extremism due to their little life experience, youthful maximalism, susceptibility to various harmful influences and other people's opinions. It is precisely the prevention of youth extremism that will reduce the scale of this problem in the future.

The following can be attributed to the causes of extremism:

large property stratification of the population it leads to the fact that society ceases to function as an integral organism united by common goals, ideas, values;

increasing social tension;

reduction of the ideological component in the educational process, which has led to a loss of moral values;

Spiritlessness, lack of a clear understanding of the history and prospects of the country's development, and loss of a sense of belonging and responsibility for the fate of the homeland.

Most youth extremist groups are informal in nature. A number of their members have a vague idea of the ideological background of extremist movements. Loud phraseology, external paraphernalia and other accessories, the opportunity to feel like a member of a kind of "secret society" that has the right to massacre persons undesirable to the group with impunity, all this attracts young people.


1. Any terrorist activity is criminal and therefore inevitably entails appropriate punishment.

2. Terrorist and extremist activities are ultimately senseless, as they cause the state to toughen its stance towards the ideology of terrorism and extremism.

3.     It is possible to achieve true success in life only by observing the laws, norms and rules accepted in our society at the present time.


Department of propaedeutics of children’s diseases

translated Ismoilov R.

28.02.2024 738