«The Tajik people from ancient times until today, along with strengthening friendship and brotherhood, peace and tranquility highly values science, knowledge, school and education and honors as a source that forms spiritual and moral values in human life».

Emomali Rahmon

   Knowledge Day is traditionally celebrated in many countries on the first day of fall. Why is Knowledge Day celebrated on September 1st? In the past, the educational process began at different times. In the times of Great Peter, children started school in late fall, as harvesting and agricultural work continued until late fall, and as a rule, children from not very rich families of villagers who worked together with their parents lived in villages. Children from more affluent families and city gymnasium students started school in August, which is much closer in time to the usual September 1. Some schools started in late August, others in mid-September or October. Rural literacy schools started on October 1. After the outbreak of World War I, young professionals took the initiative to organize an International Youth Day to bring anti-war actions and peace lessons to schools in all countries. The date of such a day since 1932 was September 1. In the USSR, until the mid-1930s, there was no exact date for the beginning of the school year. It was fixed only that all children between the ages of 8 and 10 should be admitted to school in the fall. Only on September 3, 1935, by the Resolution of the Council of People's Commissars and the Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party introduced a single start of school classes in all schools of the USSR on September 1, and the end differed: in primary grades - June 1, in grades 4-7 - June 10 and 8-10 - June 20. The same document established the length of the school year and introduced fixed vacations. The date of September 1 was not chosen by chance. In many educational institutions on this day began classes. On the first day of fall in Russia, the New Year was celebrated for a long time. King Peter moved the New Year holidays to January 1, and the beginning of school remained fixed for September 1 in order not to interrupt the educational process and not to postpone the long summer vacation to winter. Before September 1 had the status of a holiday, it was a regular school day. Today, in Tajikistan, Knowledge Day is considered an official holiday celebrated at the state level.

Whatever you learn, you learn for yourself.


       Who introduced the Day of Knowledge? Officially, the holiday of September 1 was established by the Supreme Soviet of the USSR in 1984. The decree "On declaring September 1 a national holiday - the Day of Knowledge" was issued on June 15, which became an addition to the Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR "On holidays and memorable days" of October 1, 1980. As in many post-Soviet countries, Knowledge Day is a holiday for students in Tajikistan, which kicks off the school year.

It is not the quantity of knowledge that matters, but the quality of it. It is possible to know a lot of things without knowing the most necessary.

L.N. Tolstoy

     Knowledge Day is not celebrated in all countries. When the Soviet Union collapsed, Knowledge Day remained an official celebration in many countries. In Ukraine, Tajikistan, Kazakhstan, Russia, Belarus, Moldova, Armenia and Turkmenistan, the school year begins on September 1. In the United States, there is still no exact date for the beginning of the school year. Each state has its own rules: the administrative district sets the start date and semester schedule. In the Netherlands there is a rule: as soon as a child turns 4 years old, he/she goes to school the next day. In Australia, school starts in February, and in Germany the school year starts in mid-October. In Japan, school starts in April, when the cherry blossoms bloom. Children become first graders at the age of 6. Children get acquainted with teachers on April 1, and only a week later they start attending classes. In the Republic of Tajikistan, the Day of Knowledge is annually celebrated with special festivity, excitement and joyful meetings.

The main purpose of learning is to teach you to think, not to teach you to think in any particular way. It is better to develop your own mind and learn to think for yourself than to download into your memory a lot of other people's thoughts.

John Deway

Learning is always a wonderful thing! Books give strength and independence, self-confidence. The staff of the Department of Propaedeutics of Pediatric Diseases congratulates all students and staff of the university on the Day of Knowledge and wishes never to lose interest in fresh information, constantly discover new horizons and reap the benefits of a successful, rich and happy life!

Department of propaedeutics of children’s diseases


Ruzimuhammad Ismoilov

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