DUSHANBE IS A CITY OF UNITY AND HARMONY OF SOCIETY The founder of peace and national accord-the Leader of the Nation, the President of the Republic of Tajikistan, dear Emomali Rahmon, in his next Message to the Majlisi Oli of the Republic of Tajikistan dated December 23, 2022, said:: “I am sure that our glorious and proud, patriotic, unwavering and hardworking people are able to complete all good deeds, overcome all difficulties and turn our Tajikistan into a well-ordered and advanced country, create the best conditions for a decent life” As everyone knows, and the fact that we observe this creative activity with our own eyes every day, we thank our glorious creators, all this, of course, began thanks to peace and national unity, great achievements and aspirations of the Founder of Peace and national accord - the Leader of the Nation, the President of the Republic of Tajikistan, dear Emomali Rahmon, which gives confidence to every resident of the capital for a bright future. In addition, thanks to the incredible work of the Chairman of Dushanbe city, the respected Rustami Emomali, the city is changing not year after year, but literally day after day, high-rise buildings, administrative buildings, service centers, avenues and squares are being built. Today, great initiatives are being implemented to improve and build the capital under the wise leadership of the Founder of Peace and National Accord – the Leader of the Nation, the President of the Republic of Tajikistan, respected Emomali Rahmon and the Chairman of Dushanbe city, respected Rustami Emomali, which is the pride of every resident of the city. Thanks to the efforts of the leadership of Dushanbe city and the direct active participation of the structures and substructures of the Dushanbe city Executive Body of the State Authority, including organizations and institutions, entrepreneurs, as well as residents of the capital, the city of Dushanbe - the capital of our Motherland, day by day becomes more beautiful and attractive. Our beloved city is the capital of our independent Motherland, the house of hope of Tajiks all over the world, the city of tourists, youth, the city of hearts has today turned into one of the developed cities, convenient for holding important international political, scientific and cultural events of the world level. As everyone knows, the image of Dushanbe city has changed markedly after state independence. This is evidenced by the decision of the UNESCO World Organization as of August 2004 to recognize Dushanbe as a city of peace. It can be stated that today Dushanbe city is no different from other developed cities in the world. Today, Dushanbe is known all over the world for its beautiful appearance, hospitality, the center of important international political and cultural events, thanks to the initiatives, wise and creative policy of the great leader of the nation, His Highness the respected Emomali Rahmon, dedication and hard work of the glorious Tajik people, which is the pride of every Tajik. It should be noted that it was during the period of state independence, thanks to initiatives and unprecedented creative activity, the appearance of the capital changed beyond recognition. Ensuring security and protecting public order in 22 the capital pleases residents and is celebrated by guests and tourists arriving in our city. Our beloved city, the home of our hope and dreams, is rapidly becoming one of the best and leading tourist countries in the world for its beauty, hospitality, safety and wonderful weather. The number of guests and tourists is growing year after year. If you do not believe what has been said, open the wonderful work of Ustoda Mirzo Tursunzade “Hasani Arbakesh”, which describes the streets and alleys of Dushanbe of those times that you will never meet today. Dozens of new facilities, roads and avenues, fountains, squares and parks, modern hotels and educational institutions, factories, overpasses, new trolleybuses and buses testify to the unprecedented development of the city. In a word, today the blooming Dushanbe city is changing day by day and under the leadership of the young mayor of the city, respected Rustami Emomali, is steadily moving towards new creative measures for the further prosperity of the beloved Dushanbe city and improving the lives of the residents of blooming Dushanbe. Rustami Emomali’s contribution to this creative activity is huge and therefore he enjoys the authority, trust and love of the capital residents. As the poet says about it: Касе к-ӯбовариихалқроарзандамегардад, Ба ҳаркасдӯстрӯҳархонарозебандамегардад Today we absolutely confidently emphasize that the conditions created more and more satisfy our needs and we are proud to be residents of such a beautiful capital. On the other hand, our beloved city is being improved day after day, hour after hour, and such a rapid development of our native capital pleases and inspires us and it truly becomes the city of our hearts. Today, our capital is the political and cultural, economic and commercial, scientific and educational center of the country, at the same time unites all regions of the country, is a venue for international events, meetings and negotiations at a high level. We walk along the well-maintained streets and avenues of the city, admire the beauty and fragrance of the environment. Sustainable development of the capital and further improvement of the well-being of the residents of the capital will continue to be a priority direction of the national economic policy of the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan. Of course, it should be noted that the unchanging beauty, prosperity, skyscrapers, majestic palaces and structures are the result of the work and worries of the generation of the period of independence. The merits and direct initiatives of the Head of State, dear Emomali Rahmon, on landscaping and creation are invaluable. All this will serve our people, an independent country, the population of the capital and the future generation for centuries. Thanks to the constant care of the Chairman of Dushanbe city, dear Rustami Emomali, the process of improvement and creation will continue and according to the strategies and plans, the city and the future will be built at an unprecedented pace and work on renovation and improvement in the city will be continued with a vigor. Ту шаҳриилмуирфони - Душанбе, Ту рамзи Оли Сомони - Душанбе. In conclusion, it should be noted that each of us with a sense of high responsibility, and in the future, must contribute to the prosperity of the capital of peace and harmony, the rule of law, fundamental political, economic and social transformations.
14.07.2023 1888