Today drug addiction is a worry for the inhabitants of the planet, the main cause of which is the propensity of many young people to use drugs. Today, drug addicts of the world are attracting more and more young people to these powerful substances and through them they are distributing drugs all over the world, and this issue has become one of the problems of the international community.

Millions of people suffer from drug addiction and thousands of young people have lost their lives. Unfortunately, the problem of illicit drug trafficking remains one of the serious dangers to humankind in the twenty-first century and threatens the stabilization of the social, economic and political situation of individual countries and regions.

In recent years, drug addiction has posed a serious threat to the health of the world's inhabitants, including the population of the Republic of Tajikistan, and has created an obstacle to cultural and social progress.

Drugs, as intoxicating substances, have a bad effect on the face of death and make a person unhappy, unhealthy and disrespectful. A drug addict is a person who turns away from the reputation and courage of himself and his loved ones and destroys his personality without thinking about his life and soul, because he becomes unhealthy and perverted and these characteristics destroy a person.

The number of people today who do this is very large. They may be doing this undesirable act because of reasons to get away from sorrow and pain, vices and deficiencies of life because of sickness, or because of ignorance and luxury. There are people today who fearlessly engage in murder and theft, betray honor and worship ignorance. Of course, such people are direct users of such harmful substances who do not realize what they are doing, for it is the use of drugs that has made such people far from rationality.

Unfortunately, there are also women who indulge in this undesirable practice. In order to extract, consume, cultivate and sell these harmful substances. The great dignity and position of the woman, the mother, who is the goddess of beauty and the foundation of life, is often belittled.

Usually, some people think that drug addiction is caused by difficult life conditions, but the reality shows otherwise. Firstly, children of rich people are more likely to be affected by this disease of drug addiction, and secondly, many people live and work in the same harsh conditions, but most of them keep themselves from drug addiction. The danger of drug addiction is not only that the addicted person will suffer severe physical pain when they use it, but also that the addicted person is highly dependent on the drug and if they do not use it, they will die.

In order to prevent an increase in the level of illicit trafficking of drugs, their non-medical use, as well as an increase in the number of those infected with human immunodeficiency virus among drug users, the Decree of the President of the Republic of Tajikistan dated February 2019. January 13, 2013, under No. 1409, the "National Strategy to Combat Illicit Drug Trafficking in the Republic of Tajikistan for 2013-2020" was adopted. The adoption of this strategy is associated with the emergence of new threats, primarily related to the intensification of transnational crime, including drug trafficking.

The strategy promotes constructive cooperation between public authorities, organizations and public organizations in order to protect national interests and ensure the security of the individual, society and the state. The main goal of the strategy is to reduce the prevalence of drug trafficking and its non-medical use, the scale of consequences of drug trafficking for the security of the population, society and the state.

Therefore, young people should fight drug addiction together with family, school, friends, neighbors and relatives, and contact law enforcement officials to prevent such actions. Drug addiction is not an escape from poverty, but the beginning of all human suffering. The money and goods that are available in exchange are temporary and degrading.

Hakimov Yo.B., - assistant at the department of internal diseases №2


Ruzimuhammad Ismoilov

13.10.2023 751